[center][color=orange][h3]DELGADO[/h3][/color][/center] It felt strange to be riding Southeast, away from the first battle he had ever been in. He knew fighting was taking place between Imperial and Roman troops, one could not fail to hear the crackle of muskets and the occasional deeper roar of a cannon. It just happened to be the opposite direction he was riding. He had no doubt there were further enemies out there however, refugee's were streaming into Tomis from every direction and, more often than not, he found himself riding on the verge of the road rather than trying to force his way through the miserable masses. He got many dark looks and he could not blame the people who gave them. They were being forced from their homes and their very livelihoods were being threatened by the arrival of the Imperial army. Occasionally he encountered Provosts or a squad of infantry holding vital locations, all of them pointing him Southeast as he sought to catch up to his fellow cavalrymen. The infantry he encountered grinned at him as he rode past, one even throwing up a small satchel that contained some pungent yet delicious German sausage. presumably taken off a dead Roman. At last he spotted a collection of dismounted dragoons clustered around a tall black man who sported a wicked facial scar beneath the brim of his helmet. It could only be the cornet. He reined in as he approached and dropped from the saddle, nodding to the black man and handing over the paper he had been given by the Captain. "Cornet Abd-al-Hakim. Trooper Delgado reporting for duty."