[@Jensoman] [center][h1][color=bc8dbf]....[/color][/h1][/center] The group of people at the North Gate had clearly heard Fauve yelling at them to flee to the West gate, because a few of them actually listened and started running in a westerly direction. It came as no surprise that the majority of them were too dense to move their asses out of there. In her peripheral vision, Fauve noticed a large singular body approaching her from the right. She knew what it was, since prior to her little bout with the five undead, she’d caught sight of an Orc swatting his way through a number of pesky undead of his own not far from her own position. He was kinda hard to miss, but she doubted he was a threat to her. As he continued to approach Fauve now, she pretended not to notice until he stepped right up alongside her and announced his testament to her strength, with an added concern for her safety. Fauve looked to meet with the Orc. Her face was a tad contorted to express her irritation for the stupid people at the North Gate. She looked the Orc’s mass of muscle up and down while maintaining the irritated expression, and yet she still found a second to stare at his groin area before replying. “Whatever you say, Big Boy.” The Orc moved on to the gate, and it was good to know he had some smarts about him, proven by the fact that he was backing her up on the call to head for the West gate. She kinda had to laugh, though, since watching the big bastard commence to battling the undead was sort of like watching some mean kid beating small animals around with a bat in his backyard. He sure was enjoying himself, and she instantly took a liking toward him for that. Always good to make the best of a bad situation. Lo and behold, the party crashers came to ruin the entertainment. While the main front of undead from the East were now closing in on the Orc and the group of people he was sheltering, a heavy blunt force caused the North gate to burst from its seams and came crashing down on some of the civilians there. [i]And that’s what happens when you don’t listen to reason[/i] Not surprising in the least, the new opening to town gave way to another flood of undead in the company of numerous magic wielding individuals who instantly starting throwing their weight around. Seems the fun was only just getting started. Now the remaining civilians had themselves the kick they needed to start running, and that’s exactly what they did. Though many were quickly killed by the onslaught of the arriving horde, the others screamed and finally started running in direction of the West Gate. Fauve didn’t take the Orc’s advice. There was no backing down now. Besides, she couldn’t let him have all the fun. “Welcome to the party!” She called out in a battle cry tone that ended with a laugh. Demon horns grew from her head for added effect as she charged in to aid the Orc in battle. Her inhuman agility and speed was, [i]for now[/i], keeping her free from the path of spells being cast, while she tore her own path through the advancing horde in a frenzy of slashing, weapon-shaped limbs. [center][h1][color=bc8dbf]....[/color][/h1][/center]