[center][img]https://img.clipartxtras.com/2c91b4bd98628d3ecc43a5bea59f54a4_30db8eeac6b0d999cd04b62a1cd4af93jpg-500500-anime-manga-1-girl-with-bunny-ears-drawing_500-500.jpeg[/img] [h2]Klou Renfar[/h2][/center] Klou straightened her pack as she entered the dungeon square, shifting it to hang comfortably off her shoulder. She had seen her fellow Familia member tailing behind her after she left, but she wanted to see if the other girl would try to catch up to her or not, so she kept walking pretending not to have noticed. She fully planned to stop at the entrance of the dungeon and enter together either way, since she didn't want to feel responsible if May got herself hurt or something happened to her. Sure, they'd have to split the loot they gathered, but together they'd gather more than twice what they could alone. Slowing down her pace a bit, remember what Isis had told her about her Agility, and pretended to enjoy the sights around the square. She paused by the fountain in the middle of the open space to 'inspect' it, surreptitiously watching her comrade draw closer from the corner of her eye.