Also interested, but also I can't help but disagree with [@Ioua8654], in literally [i]every[/i] rp you decide your character's morals, that's part of being in an rp. Again, with the whole 'being too op' thing, irl [i]and[/i] in fiction people have different skill sets, that's just, y'know, life, and something you have in [i]every[/i] rp. As long as it's a skill it makes sense for that character to have, then I don't see the the problem, and as always, final say on acceptance is at the GM's discretion. As for the end goal, [@Takyon] already said there was a plot - I for one would rather not know how it ends before it's even started, also this is only the interest check, lighten up a little. You don't need to know everything right now this second.