Reserving this for my character. Feel free to reserve your own character spots. WIP sheets here, then edit them. Ping me when they're done. [hider=Simon Corkill] [b]Name:[/b] Simon Corkill [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 6' [b]Build:[/b] Tall and lanky. Deceptively strong, but mainly due to him looking weak than him being strong. [b]Style:[/b] Whatever is least restrictive. Usually this means loose fitting clothes. He has a thing for baggy tracksuit pants, and you don't often see him without a beanie. [b]Hair, face, markings:[/b] He has black hair, and grey-blue eyes. No noticeable scars, but he has cuts and bruises all over his shins (if you ever see them). [b]Concept:[/b] One of three leaders of the resistance. He lives to keep having fun, and keep the Resistance going. [b]Disposition:[/b] He's usually friendly, but is prone to bouts of annoyance. [b]Fears:[/b] Redundancy, Routine, and Betrayal [b]Morals:[/b] "Anything is allowed if it's for the cause". Of course, the cause is whatever he believes. [b]History:[/b] [hider=History!!] Simon was born to an Irish family in Utopia well before the laws came through. He always had an affinity for dangerous activities. The one that stuck with him was the one that he had the most difficulty in learning: Parkour. He had to learn from his limited internet, stuntmen in movies, and trying things out for himself. It paid off, however. He's currently one of the best Traceurs in England. He went on to earn a living by teaching it professionally, and did quite well for himself. He was hit hard by the new laws, though. It was deemed to be endangering the populace by teaching them to disobey authority and engage in acts that could kill them. Of course, Simon took issue with this. Enough to ignore the laws and just move his teaching 'underground'. He taught in small classes of 2 at a time. He formed a bond with one class in particular based on their shared distaste for the new levels of security. When he felt they were ready, he went exploring the 'locked' parts of the city with them. They found an abandoned underground train station, which lay on an abandoned train line. Judging from the state of it, it was built a considerable time ago and just forgotten about. They met up there on the regular, making it their hideout. This was the catalysing event for the formation of the Resistance, and ever since it has just grown.[/hider] [b]Sample Post:[/b] [hider=Simon's Sample] The old canal had been dammed up, and served as a foot highway from the north to the west of Utopia. Well, for him at least. Not many others liked to use it. He had a package to deliver, which wasn't new but it was a bit strange. He'd been running for half an hour, but he wasn't tired quite yet. Cardio is a beautiful thing to train. That and legs. He never skipped leg day, because leg day was every day. He was letting his thoughts wander when he felt his old, indestructible Nokia buzzing. He'd left his dummy on a ledge near a cafe, making it appear that he's eating there. When he answered the phone he heard Rose's voice come over the line. [color=bc3239][i]"Simon? You're in the field now, yeah?"[/i][/color], She asked. [color=b37a50]"Yeah, man. What do you want?"[/color] [color=bc3239][i]"I had a runner leave a cash drop near Canterbury Avenue. He had to ditch the money quickly. It's under the bin outside of number... 20. In an old drink bottle.[/i][/color] [color=b37a50]"You want me to grab it, yeah?"[/color] [color=bc3239][i]"I thought that was fairly obvious"[/i][/color] [color=b37a50]"I'm on my way. Gotta make good time though, see ya round."[/color] Simon said, his tone indicating the end of the conversation. He hung up, and continued to run. It almost took too fucking long, but he made it there. The package was small, jar shaped. Why a jar was so important beat him, and he couldn't deny how curious he was. It was wrapped in paper though, so any attempt to spy the contents would lose him business in the future. The person who took it just reached through the ajar door and took it. No words or anything. Fine. He began to make my way to the money drop. He was four blocks away from the drop when he almost ran into a police patrol. They knew him by sight, and while they wouldn't have grounds to arrest him, they would surely perform every check they could legally perform, of which were a lot. He ducked down an alley, and up a wall. He followed the wall around to the roof above the drop, and went down onto his belly, commando crawling up the slanted tile roof. Thank fuck it wasn't raining. The patrol's dog must've smelled the cash or something, because it went mad as it passed the bin. Obviously, this caused the officers to check under it, and find the goddamn money. It looked like they found something else, but Simon was too far away to see what it was. He slid his hand into his pocket for his phone to consult Rose on their next move... [/hider] [b]Skills:[/b][list] [*]Parkour: 3 (Speed) [*]Teaching: 1 (Will) [*]City Layout Knowledge: 2 (Perception) [/list] [b]Stats:[/b] [list] [*]Reflexes: 1 [*]Speed: 2 [*]Strength: 0 [*]Endurance: 1 [*]Perception: 0 [*]Will: 0 [/list] [b]Resources:[/b]No current formal job, but still 'earns' money through the Resistance. He has two phones, one old Nokia which he actually uses, and then the smartphone he only uses for a dummy. He lives at the abandoned train station HQ, and needs no transport other than his legs [b]Connections:[/b][list] [*]Rosalin Pasos. Another founder of the Rebellion, and typically does the 'financial' work. Meaning she steals the money. [*]Alexander Wun. Another founder of the Rebellion. He typically does the brunt of the organisational work [*]Fiona Corkill. Simon's sister. She works at a record label. [/list] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=]Doused[/url] by DIIV [b]Misc. Info:[/b] (favourite book? What kind of food do they like? How is their pet doing?) [/hider]