[hr][center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjY2OTFmZi5UV2x1TFVwMWJpQkNZV1ZyLjAA/attic.regular.png[/img][/center] [sub][@Surtr Inc] [/sub] [code]Grand Ridge Academy – Dorms[/code] [hr] “I could say the same to you, Justin,” Min didn’t even try to keep the disdain from his voice as he folded his arms, stepping in a way that would stop Justin from getting closer to Tuyen’s dorm room. It wasn’t that he was trying to be confrontational – he just didn’t want the other going near his cousin. She clearly wasn’t feeling good and there was no way Justin would be able to help with that. And Min certainly wasn’t leaving (even with the fire alarm now blaring) unless he saw his cousin. Really, Justin was the last person that he wanted to see. It wasn’t that he wasn’t in the mood for dealing with him. It was more that the last thing Min wanted was to Tuyen to step out and see any kind of confrontation. He cared about his cousin and cared about her not disliking him. Still he had to put his foot down. “What brings you here?” It was clear from the way he spoke that he thought Justin had no right to be here. And, just in case the message of what he was asking wasn’t quite clear, he went on. “What business do you have with Tuyen?” [hr] [center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjk2LmNmNWNmZi5WSFY1Wlc0Z3hKQnZ3NkJ1LjAA/otterly-adorable.regular.png[/img] [/center] [sub] [/sub] [code]Tuyen’s Dorm Room[/code][hr] Through the ringing of the alarm Tuyen heard voices outside her door. It only took a few words for her to recognise both of them. [i]Great.[/i] There was a reason that she was ignoring the fire alarm and it was to avoid bumping into anyone. If she was honest Min was not someone she wanted to talk to right now. What if she couldn’t keep up the act of being okay? He’d just think she was insane. And she knew there was no way he would understand. She couldn’t even explain anything to him because he caused so many of her insecurities. Justin? She wasn’t so sure, but he was better than Min in this situation. [i]“They’re not here for you anyway.”[/i] This time she tried to ignore the whisper, forcing herself up and taking a step towards the door. She wasn’t going to open it – not yet. Still she went to stand near it. The shadow followed her, as it always did. She’d figured out that it was always attached to her in some way early on. For now she concentrated on trying to push away and ignore it, while getting up the confidence to actually step out of her room. [hr] [center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjBkNzI0NS5UV0Z5YVdwdUlFUnlhV1Z6YzJWdUlBLCwuMQAA/happyhanneke.regular.png [/img] [/center] [sub][@Surtr Inc] [/sub] [code]Grand Ridge Academy – The Showers[/code] [hr] “Damn, and I was just about to shower,” Rien frowned with a light shrug. “Guess we should be getting out, though doesn’t look like a fire is coming here soon!” Still they pulled their towel around their shoulders and took a step towards the door. Keeping it slow, because they weren’t really panicking as much as all the other girls running out. Also wouldn’t be fair to just speed away knowing Jordan wouldn’t be able to keep up with that. “I hope they don’t cancel classes, I actually have some interesting ones today.”