Jake glanced up from his food occasionally to the watch the movements of the different individuals within the room. Such a wide variety of personalities, it was actually quite the display, ah an altercation. It didn't seem to take long for such an encounter to occur, though he had to wonder what exactly had brought it on in the first place. Perhaps different opinions during the war? Well if that was the case the hood he had up seemed to be serving its purpose well enough, plus thankfully he was graced with being far enough from the point of origin to be treated to any of the... debris from the fall out. [color=39b54a]"Well if nothing else this will be an interesting endeavour."[/color] Jake whispered to himself before deciding to ignore the goings on and return to his food. Though curiosity remained on his mind as he kept an ear open for interesting goings on. [i][color=f26522]"...it's kinda my job to know who pretty much everyone is."[/color][/i] it'd be a moment after hearing this that Jake almost coughed up his full mouthful of food as he quickly covered his mouth trying to stifle it. [i][color=39b54a]Well I most certainly hope that's an exaggeration.[/color][/i] Jake thought to himself. The next part of what the person said almost made it sound like they were some kind of noble, maybe they were... The status of Nobility and the council was hardly the business of the Lucshen, the Firestrom maybe, but for them it was often best to steer clear of the highers where possible. Despite his lack of knowledge of who, well who pretty much everyone in the room was simply listening in seemed to be paying off on learning names. Self judgement on tones and posture offered small inclinations for some as to their status within the community. All the while he was able to avoid altercation of his own or any undue or requested judgement from those that would supposedly be his peers. Not that such judgement could be holey claimed as wrong, the misguided and written truth is much the truth for some after all. An impressive feat of magic was eventually displayed as a means of breaking up the two opponents, even though a student had already volunteered themselves into intervening the situation. The way they spoke and look, must of been on of the teachers, right? The claim of a non-bullshit speech of one context, came across as a bullshit speech in another context as they asserted themselves of being in control of situation. Jake almost chuckled at the comment of school property as he recalled the donation plaque near the entrance to the common area. [color=39b54a]"But sir, surely most of this 'school property' was purchased with their families funding."[/color] Jake's thoughts had escaped him in form of speech as he blankly stared ahead of himself, almost as though he'd frozen in the moment. [i][color=39b54a]perhaps that was unwise.[/color][/i] Jake, having somewhat recomposed, returned to eating his fill.