[hr] [Centre][H1]Welcome To Birch House![/h1] [hr] [/centre] Congratulations kid. You've made it. It took years of saving, convincing your parents that this was a good idea and insisting that you won't end up homeless, but you've finally made it. You moved to Hollywood. Was it the best idea you've ever had? Who's to say. Was it the stupidest thing you've done? Who's to say. Maybe the best decision you've made so far was choosing to live in Birch House, an apartment block that is well-known for its community of starving artists. Some great talents started off there, you know. No matter what career you're pursuing, wether you just moved here or you're a bitter cynic who's been trying to make it big for years, there's a place for you here! Go ahead, make your name the biggest in the world, do your best to never sell out but remember this: It's the people around you who'll make this town worth living in. Have a nice time. [hr] [hider=Birch House + History] [img]https://ephemeralnewyork.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/windermeremichaelminn2.jpg[/img] Based off of his old apartment in New York, Lucas Walsh founded Birch House in 1953, a building which used to be an old tailors. Though his skills as a businessman were poor, Walsh knew some families whose children wanted to make it in Hollywood and offered to let them live there. It quickly became well-known as a community for new talent to start networking and collaborate. However, in 1994, he died of pancreatic cancer. Birch House almost went bankrupt under the care of his 25 year-old son Robert, who didn't care for his father's business as much as he did for heroin. Robert's saving grace was dealer, who has taken a shine to him, and anonymously donated $1,000,000 to his client's buisness, in 2002. Things went smoothly for ten years, until Robert took an overdose, saved just in time by his wife. He was checked into rehab. That year his son, Terrence, took over the family business, and Birch House is still run by him to this day. [/hider] [hider=Apartments] [hider= General area] [Img]http://idolza.com/a/f/f/furniture-layout-floor-plans-for-a-small-apartment-living-room_tiny-apartment-furniture_home-design-modern-apartment-interior-ideas-small-1-bedroom-australian-designs-style-blogs-living.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Bedroom] [img]http://www.offsetqualityinitiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Astounding-Bedroom-Decorating-Ideas-For-Apartments-53-About-Remodel-Home-Design-Apartment-with-Bedroom-Decorating-Ideas-For-Apartments.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Bathroom] [img]http://www.kspace-apartments.co.uk/ks12/sinclair/KSpace-Sheffield-Sinclair-2-Bed-Apartment-Bathroom-99.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hr] [Centre][H2]Rules[/h2][/centre] [List] [*] I [b]love[/b] IC drama. But, please, keep it out of the OOC tab. Take it to the PMs! [*] An alternative to that last rule is: respect everyone and don't be a jerk. [*] I reckon swearing and drugs are going to come into this a lot (so please be over 18), but is things get a little bit [i]risque[/i], fade-to-black, please. [*] This is going to be character driven, so try to have at least two paragraphs per post, with decent spelling and grammar. [*] If you need to drop out or go on hiatus, tell me, just don't ghost me. [s]I've had that happen enough in my love life...[/s] [*] When you've finished your CS, post it in to OOC tab, then wait for approval. When I've accepted it, post it in the character tab. [*] Have fun! Just so you know, not having fun is punishable by death/virtual cookies of doom. [/list] [hider=CS Template] (Feel free to code this however you see fit!) Name: Nicknames: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Appearance: (optional) Face claim: Dialogue colour: Career: Hobbies: Likes: Dislikes: Personality: (optional) Bio: (optional) Aspiration: Theme song: (optional) Misc [/hider] [hider=Relationships] [Centre] [Insert character name here] "Quote about this character" Opinion [Insert character name here] "Quote about this character" Opinion [Insert character name here] "Quote about this character" Opinion [Insert character name here] "Quote about this character" Opinion [Insert character name here] "Quote about this character" Opinion [Insert character name here] "Quote about this character" Opinion [Insert character name here] "Quote about this character" Opinion [Insert character name here] "Quote about this character" Opinion [/centre] [/hider]