[@Double][@Demon Shinobi] Satay made no obvious gesture, as the group of powers appeared in the corner of her conscience, the intensity of their "ki" being unlike many beings in the planet. [i]Five to one disadvantadge, huh? You got a tough cookie, Glaceo.[/i] She thought to herself. Maybe it'd be wise to start formulating some kind of escape plan, should the worst came to happen. It never hurt. She frowned. She did not like this one bit. Her clone, with a fraction of her skills, but unfortunately the detection of ki aswell started to whine in a rather high pitched sound, clutching her homunculus head with her hands and assuming a foetal position all while trembling. "They'll come, they'll come, they'll come" She repeated, blubbering, before Satay gave the artificial being an energetic kick. "Shut it. We don't know how powerful they are [i]yet[/i]." She added, emphasizing the last word. The clone seemed to get it, as she quietly, but still shivering, shut her mouth. "Get me a topographic scan of the planet" The witch said to the miscellaneous staff around the ship, as she eyed at Glaceo, while rolling her eyes at her clone's antics. "Laying some traps and ambushes on our own might help. Just in case." She added with a stern hint of seriousness in her voice, as she strutted towards one screen unimpeded.