[quote=@CmdrAlfieq] The Outpost Officer thought for a second and has accepted martian's predicament of looking through his stuffs under their supervision. "Very well. Few selected of my soldiers and I will take a glimpse on what technology that you currently have right now, and if I reasonably wanted to have your certain technologies, then I would try for a bargain if possible." said Outpost Officer of AA before waited and entering a spacecraft. [/quote] In the sky, a UFO is getting closer and closer, before they know it it's right in front of them. The ramp opens and the blinding white light shines brighter than the sun as the two Martians enter the ship. They wait for the Outpost Officer and the soldiers to step into the ship. Once they do enter, the interior is spacious and cold. They can immediately see a large control panel with a huge, green screen above it, displaying similar interface to the disc that the Martian pulled out, but not the green tint. The room itself is square despite the round design of the UFO. There are two metal doors to the left and right, each having a keypad to presumably open them. Two other Martians are at the control panel, and turn to see the Officer and soldiers enter. They turn back to the screen and press a couple of buttons, suddenly large rectangular panels of wall start to slide up. The locations of the panels are on the wall mostly but there is a circular one on the ceiling. Behind those opening panels were windows. The screen displays a "window" of it's own by showing what appears to be some type of video feed in the center of the screen, giving a wide range of vision to what's in front of the spacecraft. The ramp closes up and the landing legs fold. The ship rapidly shoots up about twenty feet into the air, but the strange thing is that the soldiers inside felt almost nothing, that would normally result in them flying into the ceiling and getting a nasty concussion as soon as the ship stops, right? What is this alien sorcery? Before you could get finished questioning that, the ship then instantly starts flying towards the Colony. Entering the forcefield, they can see mostly nothing but red fog on the ground and barely anything else. In the distance a cluster of buildings surrounds a huge, white rectangular structure that seems to stretch up forever. Though for a brief second they spot something rising out of the fog, but it's gone before they can make out anything. [quote=@Aceofreality]Ashnah floats up above the fog easily. She doesn't even need to use her wings, perhaps those are for a cosmetic effect or something. She started to head towards the large white object. Interested in what that might be.[/quote] She rises up above the fog, sound seems to deafen to almost nothing above the fog. The green sky turns to black, the temperature drops further, (not that she cares) she feels lighter and the air is incredibly thin. But then a grey object zooms over her head at breakneck speed. If that thing collided with her head, it would have reduced it to chunks of brain and bone without even moving the body. The thin air reduces the extreme winds that would have blown a normal man off the ground to what is now a light breeze. It seems to be heading to the object as well. She can see it's shape as it passes: A rounded disc with two dome shaped bulbs on the top and bottom. The classic "flying saucer" shape, almost stereotypical. A ring of glowing green light is plastered on the edge going around the ship. But alas, it was going so fast that was all she could make out before it was too far to see anything but a green wisp flying towards the structure.