[center][h1]Announcement[/h1][/center] Due to some personal reasons and other various reasons, a number of our members had to leave. Now that I have accounted for their disappearance and I would be holding an event that would make the Rp more interesting and to hopefully draw in more players that are interested with joining us. [list=members that have withdrawn] [*][@Liotrent] [*][@Hael Ignis] [*][@6slyboy6] [*][@oOVOo] [/list] I hope the sudden lost of members would make you all leave and I hope that I can keep the roleplay fun and interesting for the next days to come. Of course the once that withdrawn can in any way still rejoin the roleplay as a new faction or the remnants of their own nation. [list=members that are still active] [*][@NecroKnight] [*][@Scarescrow] [*][@SantosGabriel77] [*][@Wampower] [*][@Malta] [*][@Wildman13] [*][@Jangel13] [/list] Hope that this doesn't destroys your interest in the roleplay and hopefully we get new meat for the meat grinder.