[right][sub][b]Monday - Morning - A not too uncomfortable circle of Hell[/b][/sub][/right] [hr] The snake is an animal with its life sorted out. In the day, it is warm. Warm means happy. Happy means active. Snake goes outside to play. When the day ends, the snake goes to sleep. The dim is not a time to be happy. The dim is cold. Melancholy. When the sun vanishes, it's time to go away- to creep to where you're safe and the dim cannot touch you. You wait under your bed. You allow the time to pass. You treasure the little heat you have, until the dim has gone away. Kat did not like the dim. [sub][color=222222]but it never ever gets better[/color][/sub] Someone went to poke him, thought wiser of it, then realised he wasn't actually asleep. They shook him gently by the shoulder, gave him a chance to... inflate. [color=fdc68a][i]"Mnnn?"[/i][/color] "Hey Kat, you do gym class, right?" [color=fdc68a]"Nnnn,"[/color] he replied. Kat was a master of sleeping on his jacket sleeves, and always wore a thick one at every chance of cloud. "What's the final like?" Kat slumped himself awake, hoping the bell would start tolling soon. [color=fdc68a]"Sport science,"[/color] he said, after a while. [color=fdc68a]"Science of exercise. All that sh- ...izz. Major muscles, aspects of diet, you know the drill."[/color] "Sounds easy." [color=fdc68a]"God it is. Better than math."[/color] The other boy sat back on his chair, which didn't fit him. Chester had struck the pubescent lottery, and now Kat followed him like a reverent barnacle, hoping that tailing someone tall and strong-jawed might lend him credibility. In return he didn't open his mouth too much. "I thought you hated it." [color=fdc68a]"I don't want to pick up a sport,"[/color] he said, which was a supremely self-evident truth. [color=fdc68a]"They let you hide on the cycling machines."[/color] Ah, thought Chester. He doesn't want to be seen in shorts. Kat sighed and put his head back on his sleeves, counting seconds in finger-taps. He wanted to be let [i]out.[/i] Out of this school, this room, this... other things. The grey made a wall past the window, erasing shadows and setting a limit to the sky, making the too-small world seem that much smaller. Maybe, he thought, if he ran at it hard enough, and far enough, he could get past the horizon and jump... [right][sup][color=222222]JUMP[/color][/sup][/right] ...He'd probably write about it on his poetry blog later.