No one enjoyed watching Meesei slay the broken man over the altar. It left an awful taste in their mouths that only increased their desires to leave. But it was necessary. They had to get what they came for. The voice was like a slowed down sighting of a predator pouncing out to each in the pack. They were powerless in Molag Bal's presence. Janius clenched his teeth and hardened his look to obscure his trepidation. Lunise's already quiet breathing slowed to silence as if she was hiding. Sabine clutched the Staff of Magnus so closely and tightly that its surface and her palms emitting a creaking. Janius flicked his head to one side. He gave Kaleeth a look, as well as the axe she held. Everything was as it was before. Meesei simply had to negotiate with one of the less pleasant Daedric Princes in existence. They waited for her response.