[quote=@Kho] [@Muttonhawk] not sure if you mentioned this already, but when in the timeline did the Mafie episode take place? I'm guessing it was sometime post-Realta but pre-Xerxes? A considerable amount of time must have passed for her tale to become legendary by the time of Mira & co. [/quote] Unfortunately, my timeline is hain-centric, so it hasn't followed the dwarves too closely. However, Mafie's story takes place before the dwarves underwent furry metamorphosis, so probably a loooong time ago. Before Xerxes, maybe even before the realta. You'd probably get a better estimate of the timeframe from Wrongend and/or Termite. Also, I should probably update that timeline, hm. A few points in hain history have come about in the last couple of pages I've yet to incorporate.