[@Jensoman] [center][h1][color=bc8dbf]....[/color][/h1][/center] Fauve was wanted throughout the land for a good number of crimes, which is why she had already lied about her name to Gabriel and Jack. She didn't really see a big problem by sharing her true identity with this orc, but it was still better to be safe than sorry, for now anyway. "Call me Fran. Good to meet ya there, Corcy! Gotta say," She laughed, "Even for me, this isn't the most conventional way to be meeting someone." The crowd of undead and necromancers had cleared a great deal on their journey towards the West gate, though there were a few stragglers around, which she and Corc were quick to eliminate. Aside from that, Fauve was enjoying the ride. "Well, Corc the Orc," She suggested, swiveling at the waist to face forward again, "if you really need to eat, shouldn't be too big a deal." She gave him a slap on his massive deltoid and leaned past his head so he could see where she was pointing. "You see that Tavern over there on our right? Rumor has it the owner of that establishment is a little on the indisposed side of things. So I'm guessing we could stop by and grab ourselves some free grub before heading out of this shithole of a town. What do ya say?" She jumps from Corc’s shoulder now and runs alongside him in direction of the tavern, which is when she spots a person heading up the path to the West gate. From what she could make out at that distance, this person was carrying another individual over their shoulder. Seems to be she wasn’t the only one hitching a ride to safety that morning. More than just food was on Fauve's mind though. She was in need of a change of attire and was currently quite the sight for sore eyes. Prior the battle, her right butt cheek was already exposed from a tear in the rear of her trousers. Now she had a boob hanging out from the rip in her shirt as well. Her trouser legs were also shredded from the many times she had transformed her limbs to sharp weapons, and her shoes, well, they had long since gone and perished during the battle. This is one reason why Fauve generally dressed in nothing more than ragged clothing. Not much point in spoiling the finer variety of attire. “I can probably find something to wear in one of the rooms while you’re getting a bite from the kitchen.” [center][h1][color=bc8dbf]....[/color][/h1][/center]