[hider=Reina] [hr] [center][color=a187be][h1][b] Reina [/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/40f8d8bc24f3940e889e01c225c0cb9a/tumblr_noo3lmhbV91shcello1_1280.jpg[/img] [i] " A--breeze, a waft of cool blunt air over my skin. If only I could connect, even for a moment. Then I would make them stop doing it." [/i] [hr] [color=a187be][h2]Back to Basics[/h2][/color] [/center] [color=a187be][b]Name:[/b][/color] Reina Simmons [color=a187be][b]Aliases:[/b][/color] Reina's fine. Riri, but only if she lets you. [color=a187be][b]Age:[/b][/color] 21 [color=a187be][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=a187be][b]Tourist or Local?:[/b] [/color] Long time tourist [color=a187be][center][h2]Appearance[/h2] [hr][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/7f0c07b97dde936f36d8168423fd7dd8/tumblr_o5kfwzbY1o1u1xo9co1_500.gif[/img][/center][/color] [hr] [color=a187be][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5'5 [color=a187be][b]Build:[/b] [/color] Slim, a light eater, only enough to maintain her slim figure. [color=a187be][b]Hair:[/b] [/color]Jet black, straight, about jaw length [color=a187be][b]Eyes:[/b][/color] Dark browm [color=a187be][b]Distinguishing Marks:[/b] [/color]Piercings on both earlobes, two more on her right cartilage, a [url=https://www.askideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Small-Sun-Tattoo-On-Girl-Upper-Back.jpg]Tattoo[/url] on her upper back. A distinguishing, almost perfectly round birthmark on her leftmost torso, below her rib cage. [color=a187be][b]Style:[/b] [/color]Reina doesn't follow a distinctive style more or less rooted by the fact that she has little interest in fashion. She would wear anything that fits her comfortably, a pair of jeans, flannels, hoodies. [color=a187be] [b]General Appearance:[/b][/color] Reina seems to look physically tired and high strung all the time, her eyes have dark circles around them due to her Insomia. At times if you catch her at a coffee shop , her eyes looming over the horizon as if deep in thought, her general tiredness alway evident. [hr] [color=a187be][center][h2]Skills & Occupation[/h2][/center][/color] [hr] [color=662d91][b]Occupation:[/b] [/color]College drop out. Artist, photographer. Working freelance for now. [color=a187be][b]Hobbies & Interests:[/b] [/color] - Photography, taking photographs of various things, spots around Rawyn. Has a preference for taking candid photos of people. - Painting, helps her relax. Mostly for therapeutic purposes. - Spending time in coffeeshops to read, or just to pass time. - Is fascinated with odd trinkets, anything of the occult. - Taking care of her [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/8c0b09486ad0046736cecc6ba494111d/tumblr_o6ezw9o41z1qa30hco1_500.jpg]numerous pet plants[/url] scattered all around her apartment. [color=a187be][b]Skills[/b]: [/color] - Has an eye for photography. And is very meticulous about it. - Can fairly handle herself in a fight, depending on the circumstances. - Can go on days, weeks without sleeping. Does that count? [color=a187be][b]Supernatural Sensitivity:[/b] [/color] High --- and has mostly became the issue of her current mental status. [hr] [color=a187be][center][h2] Psychology [/h2][/center][/color] [hr] [color=a187be][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Reina is the type to keep to herself, not that she despises the company of others but she sees herself as an uninteresting subject and a bother more than anything. She has nothing to contribute in jovial social situation, more so, she doesn't know how therefore her responses would appear uncaring, or snobbish without meaning it be that way. One look at her, you see a gloomy character, always slouched with a weary demeanor. Despite all that she truly values a good company, after already passing the stage of anxiety, it would come as rather surprising that Reina has a lot to say. In fact, she is not as odd as one would initially think her to be. Like some, but not all, that is blessed with a supernatural gift [/emphasised sarcasm], Reina has struggled all her years to understand the odd and unexplainable things she perceives and without a mentor to teach her. For years she was alone in this. And somehow this had affected her mental well being, making sense of everything on her own whilst in between various doctor's appointments. She became distrustful of others, thinking that people would only doubt her situation, like the shrinks that they made her trust, and friends she had sooner lost. Reina doesn't really like attracting danger to herself, there may be exceptions due to her own curiosities, only to be come up sooner by hindsight. Although she became used to her supernatural tendencies, theres always a moment where her gifts would still unsettle her to the point that it became a hindrance to her rather than a benefit. Taking some medication would help her ease her mind, although only numbing her other senses for a time. She would wish to get rid of it if it were an option. [color=a187be][b]Bio:[/b][/color] The first time Reina became aware of her supernatural affinity, was a bit of a hazy memory. There was a fire, and what looked like a struggling figure. Two of them. The vibrance, smell and feeling of heaviness was what stood out to her the most in that memory. The next day she was living in a different place, sleeping in a different bed. What she first saw that night as she lay down, was hard to dismiss as a silly childish nightmare from a young child of three, or four. Reina is an adopted child after her parents died from a fire. For years since then, she had struggled to make herself understand the oddities that she alone can only perceive, her family became greatly concerned of her mental well being. Since then she had various visit from doctors, without any other possible explanations she was then diagnosed with schizophrenia. Reina then lived a quiet life and was provided with the best education money can buy, until recently she's having strong feelings even the drugs could not keep off whilst living in London all her life, and was advised by her doctors to stay somewhere new and refreshing. Currently she's staying at a local bed and breakfast in North Rawyn for the most part of her vacation, Although what came out of her stay was completely not what she expect. Reina was having trouble sleeping than usual since she moved to Rawyn, more so since the news came out of the girl that went missing. It's probably nothing related directly or could be a whole lot bigger than that. [color=a187be][b]Weaknesses and/or fears:[/b][/color] - Fires, burning wood/ structures, vibrantly blinding. - Complete and total darkness. Cant totally sleep without a night light. - Getting lost between the border of reality and the supernatural. [/hider]