[hider= Maisie Lewis] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjQ0ZWU3NS5MUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExRLCwuMAAAAAAAAAA,/judera-ring.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE0Mi5mMGIwMDAuVFdGcGMybGxJRXhsZDJsei4wAA,,/onderneming.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LjQ0ZWVlNS5Ja2h2ZHlCaFltOTFkQ0I1YjNVZ2RISjVJR0Z6YTJsdVp5QnVhV05sYkhrX0lnLCwuMQAA/hilona.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjQ0ZWU3NS5MUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExRLCwuMAAAAAAAAAA,/judera-ring.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2b/04/da/2b04dadbaeff80e17562452743a02786.jpg[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjQ0ZWU3NS5MUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExRLCwuMAAAAAAAAAA,/judera-ring.regular.png[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wtfhZwyrcc&index=1&list=PLhgc25GScTFACJwqljof0aUShd8VLdw3W&t=0s[/youtube] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjQ0ZWU3NS5MUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExTMHRMUzB0TFMwdExRLCwuMAAAAAAAAAA,/judera-ring.regular.png[/img] [/center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LjQ0ZWVlNS5RbUZ6YVdOei4xAAAA/hilona.regular.png[/img] [color=#F7CA1D][b]Name:[/b][/color] Maisie Lewis [color=#F7CA1D][b]Nicknames:[/b][/color] N/A [color=#F7CA1D][b]Age:[/b][/color]24 [color=#F7CA1D][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=#F7CA1D][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] Bisexual [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LjQ0ZWVlNS5UM1YwYzJsa1pTQkpiZywsLjEAAAAAAAAAAAA,/hilona.regular.png[/img] [color=#F7CA1D][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] At 5ft 3, Maisie is a little on the short side, not that she doesn't make up for it with with her mane of bushy red hair, and the fact that doesn't take shit from [i]anyone[/i]. She doesn't really have much in the way of distinguishing marks, aside from the usual eclectic collection of scars from childhood scrapes, a light dusting of freckles over the bridge of her nose and her cheeks, and a rather bad tattoo of a sock on her left big toe. [color=#F7CA1D][b]Face claim:[/b][/color] Janet Devlin [color=#F7CA1D][b]Dialogue colour:[/b][/color]color=#F7CA1D [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LjQ0ZWVlNS5WR2x0WlNCWFpXeHNJRk53Wlc1MFB3LCwuMQAAAAAAAAAA/hilona.regular.png[/img] [color=#F7CA1D][b]Career:[/b][/color] Fresh out of college, she's currently working part time as a barrista at a coffe shop near the apartment building, along with interning as a sound engineer at a mid-tier studio. She also does a little freelance sound engineering via the internet to supplement her income, and has helped produce a couple of EPs for lesser known bands by sneaking into where she interns after hours. [color=#F7CA1D][b]Hobbies:[/b][/color] Maisie doesn't really have a whole lot of time on her hands for hobbies, but she enjoys finding new music and keeping up with the local music scene, going for walks and exploring the city, Netflix bingeing, and messing around with photoshop. [color=#F7CA1D][b]Likes:[/b][/color] Good music (of pretty much any genre, but in particular folk) cheap alcohol cheap food the feeling of discovering something new finding cheap second hand equipment online being a [i]little[/i] bit of a hipster. [color=#F7CA1D][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] The fact that she's a bit too broke to be an [i]actual[/i] hipster Just the fact that she's broke, really. Bad music Bad music that could've been good if she'd done the mix Expensive alcohol Expensive food Expensive [i]anything[/i] unless someone else is paying [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LjQ0ZWVlNS5RblYwSUhkb2VTQjBhRzkxWjJnXy4xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,/hilona.regular.png[/img] [color=#F7CA1D][b]Personality:[/b][/color] A sweetheart with a core of steel, Maisie tries to be kind and accepting to everyone she meets, that is, unless they've hurt her or someone else she cares about. Fiercely loyal and protective, Maisie cares deeply for other people, especially her family and friends, and is the kind of person you could trust with your deepest darkest secret, so long as nobody gets hurt. Maisie has a very strong moral compass, and a set of ideals she lives by. She will always call out things she sees as unjust or unfair, and she's not afraid to start a fight if it means such a situation will be improved upon. She knows that things often aren't fair, and an ideal outcome won't just fall into your lap because you want it to, so she's ready to stand up for her principles if she needs to, and has done so in the past. Unfortunately, because she's so 'go, go, go!' all the time, she can be quick to jump to conclusions rush into things, something which has gotten her into trouble before, and likely will do again. She has big ambitions, and she's fought through some pretty heavy stuff to get to where she is now, so she's willing to work as hard as she needs to to ensure she gets what she wants. [color=#F7CA1D][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Maisie didn't really grow up rich, but she didn't exactly grow up poor either. From a young age, her artsy, slightly airy-fairy parents fostered a love of the arts and a somewhat lackadaisical attitude towards money, along with a healthy but none too serious mistrust in authority, and a firm belief that, at the end of the day, things would be okay. Things were... not okay. Long story short, at 16, her parents split, Maisie was, momentarily, distanced from both of them due to the stress of the divorce, she got a boyfriend, and the boyfriend hurt her. Badly. In a way that was truly unforgivable, that left Maisie psychologically destroyed. To make matters worse, he lied about it to the whole school, turning everyone against her. For a long time, she felt like she had nothing - her home life was in tatters due to her parents' divorce, at school she was a social pariah, and even her love of music had been irrevocably tainted, having been in a band with her ex previously. Not to mention the panic attacks, flashbacks, and constant sense of dread that haunted her every waking hour. She was at an all time low - she'd never experienced anything like this before in her entire life, and she had no idea how to come back from it on her own. Luckily, she wasn't as alone as she thought she was. She only had to tell one person, and the floodgates broke. She went to the police, the case made it to court, and won. Many emotional reconciliations, apologies, and promises to do better later, and things were looking up for Maisie. She was exhausted beyond belief, but she had something [i]approaching[/i] closure, and the number of a good therapist. Eventually, the panic attacks and the other psychological symptoms started to fade. It was slow going, but she was well on the way to recovery. Even so, she still felt stuck. Every time she tried to pick up an instrument, her hands would freeze. Every time she tried to sing, her voice would croak. Every time she listened to music it sounded... flat. Maisie took it to mean she was broken. If she didn't have music, then what was even the point? Her therapist insisted that it would take time, but Maisie was growing frustrated. She didn't have time; she was at the end of her rope. It wasn't until her first year of college, when Maisie was 19, that the music came back. She was working part time as a barista when she heard it; a young woman, with a guitar and a story so like Maisie's it was [i]painful[/i]. Every day she listened, and every day it spoke to her a little bit more. A good few months later, Maisie worked up the courage to speak to the woman, Ronda, and ask her how she did it. They spoke for a good long while; there was a lot of crying involved, and at the end of it, Maisie felt somewhat better. That night, she went home, and tried to write - something, [i]anything[/i], but still, her fingers froze up as soon as she sat down at the keyboard. Things changed, however, when Ronda approached her, asking her for a favour; Ronda was working on producing her first album, but the current sound engineer she as working with just didn't seem to [i]get it[/i] the way Maisie had when they talked. Ronda remembered Maisie saying she was interested in sound design and had started taking a class at college, and she was willing to pay Maisie a more than reasonable rate to work on one of the songs for her album, which she could show to her manager, proving that the sound engineer she was currently working with was a poor fit. Already a fan of Ronda's music, not to mention in desperate need of the money, Maisie too her offer. Suffice to say, it went well, and Maisie's entire world opened up before her eyes. After she graduated college with a degree in sound engineering, Maisie had her sights set on making it big - she wanted to work on songs that could help people, the way Ronda's music had helped her, and she wanted them to help as many people as possible. [Color=#F7CA1D][b]Apspiration:[/b][/color] Singing, playing piano, even sound design; Maisie loves music and sound in all it's forms, even if all she really wants to do is write songs that people listen to. Unfortunately, she hasn't really been able to play music of her own for a good long while now, but she hasn't let that stad in her way, instead choosing to pursue a career in sound production/engineering - if she can make other people's music the best it can be, then that's good enough for her. And, perhaps, she'll find her own sound along the way. [/hider]