our Guild's Captain and the other Pirate Kings (Brief descriptions of them anyway). Have a read if you get a chance. [hider=Karok Ragnar][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjllNGMxZi5TMkZ5YjJzZ1VtRm5ibUZ5LjEA/fulltiltboogie.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9a/89/dd/9a89dd1c9dacf9cceb101c756719e96d.jpg[/img] [h3]Personality[/h3] [sub]Captain Ragnar is a beast of a man, and a true pirate at heart. His ferocious passion is the driving force behind everything he does. No task is too small, no mountain too high and no foe strong enough to best his might. His rambunctious and volatile nature is the embodiment of what it means to be a Cloud Chaser. He bears the burden of Captain with pride, an armor to protect his own insecurities about his role. Never having been one for responsibilities, Karok now faces the challenge of learning how to be a leader. And not just that. To be the Captain of Cloud Chasers is to be not just a leader, but a parent, a guiding beacon of hope and a stalwart warrior of justice. For all the big game he talks, Karok often finds himself second guessing his decisions. While once he would have solved all of his problems with a few pints of hearty grog and a few knocked around heads, Captain Ragnar must now settle his disputes with diplomacy. He's not want for charisma or fortitude, clearly possessing those in abundance. Yet he is still a fledgling of a Captain and a Pirate King, and he has large shadows cast over him which he must rise above.[/sub] [i]“[color=brown]We are Chasers! Everything Captain Charlotte fought so hard to build is what we are. Honor her legacy![/color]”[/i][/center] [indent]| Name: | [indent][i]Karok Ragnar[/i][/indent] | Alias|Nickames|Titles: | [indent][i]Captain Ragnar, The Colossus, The Pirate King[/i][/indent] | G e n d er: | [indent][i]Male[/i][/indent] | R a n k: | [indent][i]S, Pirate King[/i][/indent] | Age: | [indent][i]39[/i][/indent] | Guild : | [indent][i]Captain of the Cloud Chasers[/i][/indent] | History: | [indent][i]Karok is a simple man who was brought up in the 13th Hierarchical Realm, a land devoid of Librarium presence and wrought with all manner of scum. Frequented by both Rogue Pirates and other criminals alike, the Realm has all but been shunned by it's own Bishop and is used as no more than a dumping ground for the unwanted. In particular, Karok's home town of Rak'sharn was considered the worst of the worst. A cesspool of all manner of filth, Rak'sharn was subject to the tyranny of local pirate gangs who drained the villagers for resources. Growing up in such an environment, Karok found himself sinking into the dark underbelly of the town with no hope of escape. Being a young lad of impressive size and strength, Karok frequented the underground fighting tournaments where he would earn a living for himself. Having lost his parents at a young age, he was no stranger to resorting to desperate measures to keep himself from starving. He had seemed to accept this as his life, and was content in the knowledge he would never know any better. That was until a peculiar Pirate stepped up to the challenge of facing him. The man was older than the young Karok, probably in his early thirties, but he was convinced he would beat the stranger. The man set a peculiar wager, raising the stakes from coin to blood. It was to be a death match, with the winner claiming the life of the other. Karok was reluctant at first, but the cheering of the crowd pushed him into accepting. The battle that followed was so brief one barely had a chance to assess what had happened. In a matter of moments, Karok was on the floor and his opponent stood above him with his blade held to his neck. Sheathing the weapon, the man introduced himself as Yvelt Ornmeyer, Captain of the Cloud Chasers. Having lost the duel, Karok's life now belonged to him. True to his word, Karok was obedient to the whims of Captain Ornmeyer. It came as quite a surprise to him when Yvelt told him they were to set sails the following morning. Life about the Chasers was strange for Karok. He was forced to bear witness to so much suffering at the hand of the Librarium. At first, he wasn't sympathetic at all. Why should he? The Librarium had neglected his Realm entirely and let it fall into the vile depths of piracy. Yet over time, his stance began to change. His shell cracked and his facade softened. He began to train in magic and started to aid the Chasers more willingly. Time passed, and Yvelt approached Karok and told him he was releasing him of his enslavement. When Karok insisted he remained aboard and continued to fight the Librarium, Yvelt only smiled knowingly. He had been hoping Karok would make such a choice. And so, he remained. Many years passed and Yvelt achieved much with Karok at his side. On the day Captain Ornmeyer would pass, he entrusted the duty of Captain to Karok. Not only that, but he had nominated Karok among the other members of the Pirate Kings to be a suitable replacement for him. Karok now carries the mantle of both Captain and King upon his shoulders. While he is still learning the rope and the ins and outs of his duties, it is of no question that he has earned his spot at the helm. The Cloud Chasers respect him as their leader, gladly following him into the horizon with the hopes of reclaiming what they had lost.[/i][/indent] | Magic: | [indent][i][u][b]Quake Magic[/b][/u] | Karok's physical strikes are so tremendous that he is able to reshape the earth with them. Large tremors shift and shake the ground with every blow, battering foes down with the collateral damage. Direct blows from Quake Magic are devastating as well, causing physical structures to implode and blasting straight through solid metal like tissue paper. The impact of attacks made with Quake Magic can be felt even through several feet of solid materal, making most armors useless against Karok's blows.[/i][/indent] | Miscs : | [indent][i]Karok picked up his fighting style on the streets, utilizing a wide variety of strikes, throws and grapples. Character Theme | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9i1f_vt43c]Last Dinosaur[/url][/i][/indent] [/indent] Sheet credited to Buddha.[/hider] [hider=Theodore Martin][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmZmZmYzZC5WR2hsYjJSdmNtVWdUV0Z5ZEdsdS4wAAAA/warmonger-bb.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/77/35/bb/7735bb36da845d5c20ef89b5366e7fd3.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][i]Theodore Martin is one of the Six Pirate Kings and the Captain of The Kiln, a Sky Pirate Guild that employs science and engineering prowess rather than brute force. While there are some with their own inventive streak and knack for Magical Technologies, their skill sets usually pale in comparison to Theodore and his crew. An inventive genius who performs major repairs for the other Guilds affiliated with the Pirate Kings, Theodore has a reputation that echoes across the Free Skies.[/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Admiral Descoteaux][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjllOWU5ZS5SMlZ1WlhacFpYWmxJRVJsYzJOdmRHVmhkWGcsLjE,/aurella.script.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/80/05/cd/8005cd84f95825f60a0c0a2efd57fc3e.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][i]Genevieve Descoteaux is one of the Six Pirate Kings and the Admiral of the Diamond Fleet; a collective of five Airships which all comprise her Sky Pirate Guild. Her manpower is the highest among the Pirate Kings, and she does well to ensure they are spread strategically across the Hierarchical Realms. She has a much more militaristic approach to the way she governs her fleet, which other Sky Pirates tend to find distasteful. Nevertheless she is a strong ally to the Pirate Kings with a vengeance against the Librarium that burns brighter than most others.[/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Jakk'orath][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmJkMDAwMC5TbUZyYXlkdmNtRjBhQSwsLjAA/dragonslapper.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c3/99/55/c399553811937742fc58fe1892f86166.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][i]Jakk'orath the Storm Rider is one of the Six Pirate Kings and the Captain of the Sky Pirate Guild Zardia's Glaive. His Guild, while still an enemy of the Librarium, is more interested in the hunting of beasts and monsters that threaten the Hierarchical Realms from below. There is nothing more exhilarating to Jakk'orath than the thrill of the hunt, and this intense thirst for action is shared by his loyal followers. Jakk'orath is a Dragon Rider, and his faithful steed Nol is never far behind his Airship. The presence of a Dragon in Pandoran Skies does often cause unwarranted attention by the Librarium, to which Jakk'orath laughs and beckons them to challenge his fury.[/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Crow][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjYwLjAwMDAwMC5RM0p2ZHcsLC4xAAAA/medusa-gothic.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b6/2c/53/b62c53b61a26bc12b5a166ec1e56c236.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][i]Crow is as enigmatic as she is powerful. One of the Six Pirate Kings and the mysterious leader of the Smugglers Guild, she holds a great deal of influence across both Pandora and her home country of Xia. Establishing illegal trade routes across the nations, as well as having an advanced network of highly trained spies and assassins situated in every nook and cranny of the Hierarchical Realms, none can deny Crow's involvement with the Pirate Kings has not been beneficial. She keeps her identity well hidden and is rarely ever seen in person. The other Kings have only ever seen her once, at the funeral of Yvelt Ornmeyer.[/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Red Coyote][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmRiNzcwMC5Va1ZFSUVOdmVXOTBaUSwsLjA,/laconick-normala.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8c/ca/df/8ccadfb837179e07649a78cca2670c3c.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][i]Red Coyote is the youngest member of the Six Pirate Kings and is the Captain of the Sky Pirate Guild, Morning Star. An avid treasure hunter who rose from rags to riches in a few short years after the acquisition of his own dingy ship and a motley crew of a few good fer'nothing scalawags. His natural born leadership skills and nose for hunting down riches has made him one of the wealthiest men in the Free Skies. His crew aboard the Morning Star are a rowdy lot, giving even the Chasers a run for their money. While Red is a major contributor to the cause of the Pirate Kings, there are hushed rumours that his involvement in the organisation is less than spectacular. He and his crew are more interested in stealing from the Librarium than helping it's citizens. Though none dare speak up, as the Morning Star's Captain often dips his hand into his purse for the sake of the Kings. Without his financial support, the Kings would struggle to achieve more than they already have.[/i][/indent][/hider]