[center][h3][color=7bcdc8]Ichirou Kobayashi[/color][/h3][/center] [color=7bcdc8]"C'mon. You wouldn't want this data getting out, would you?"[/color] Ichirou taunted, though there wasn't any joy in his voice. He was grabbing at the collar an old man; a politician according to what data Ichirou had gathered. He had [i]also[/i] gathered some chat logs from the man talking to a woman who was definitely not his wife. 'Compensated dating' wasn't illegal, sure, but a politician's life could be soiled by proof of adultery and such. Men like him shouldn't be making the laws, and in fact a fool should be parted with his money, right? That would be happening soon. "No, nooooo... Please, I have a family, if this gets out we could be out of a job, out of a home!" The corrupt old man begged. Ichirou roughly shoved him onto his back with a sneer. [color=7bcdc8]"I have a family too. We all do. I don't try and sneak around behind their back though. Now cough it up, before my 'friend' here forces it out of you!"[/color] Ichirou shouted, Gats stepping forward while tightening his gloves. "Okay, okay! I'll give you some money, just please delete those files!" He said. Ichirou placed a hand on Gats' chest to dissuade him from assaulting them man. "Transfer the money to this account, and the files gone, old man. You have my word, since yours isn't worth much." 70000 Yen was added to his account immediately, which was quickly laundered through a series of socks into Ichirou's actual bank account with the simple press of a macro key. It was a pain to set up, but absolutely imperative to he and his father's safety. It also felt quite cool to do; he remembered a time where he could barely open a webpage. But that didn't matter currently, he had an adulterer to relieve. [color=7bcdc8]"There we go, almost as easy as cheating on your wife eh?"[/color] He quipped, pulling up a false screen mirroring the actual menus of EDEN. He faked deleting the files in front of the politician which brought his blood pressure down, it seemed. Just as he had finished though, he got a piece of mail. Curious, as he hadn't received mail in weeks, he checked it on the spot, reading and walking to the server's exit. [hr] [color=7bcdc8]"A thug huh? That's my legacy?"[/color] Ichirou wondered aloud, looking over the email once again. It mentioned his poor reputation and his use as a 'soldier.' That was admittedly more credit than many ever gave him but still wasn't glowing. [b]"Well hey, she doesn't know you yet, and she said she might even want to be friends. I really don't think she meant any harm by that, Ichi-san."[/b] Jacky said, ever the optimist. Whether the mysterious Jormungdr hackers would be his friends or not, Ichirou was getting tired of petty theft. A higher pay grade would be nice, his father was getting older and his retirement seemed to get closer by the second. Ichirou entered the server, quickly followed by someone else he didn't bother looking back at. Judging by the throne, the woman in black was their 'Manaka.' There was also an emo-looking man, and the woman who had just entered the room behind him. Manaka quickly introduced herself and the company, also rambling on about her and 'Fumi' (presumably the girl behind him) being attractive. He was about to open his mouth but Fumi opened her's first, surprised that the hacker before her was a woman and not a man. A digimon also called their 'boss' creepy, which Ichirou didn't appreciate, even if it wasn't from a normal guy. [color=7bcdc8]"Hey, let's not call people creepy huh man? You aren't even human."[/color] Ichirou reprimanded, glaring at the emo's dragon. [color=7bcdc8]"Anyways, I'm Ichirou. The 'muscle' I guess, though probably through reputation and intimidation since I don't have a robot dragon by my side."[/color] "You do have me though!" Jacky quipped, hugging his friend. [b]"Who are you guys?"[/b]