[b][i]GM Post[/i][/b] The obvious answer from Damianos was, "Yes. We're expecting interference from the Thirteen Seekers. And yes, the diplomatic vessel's armament is a deterrent, though mostly directed to those who would ally themselves with the Seekers and Heartless; that means that present company has nothing to fear. As for orbital bombardment on Stun? It's for securing prisoners and reducing collateral damage on civilians. We like to think of ourselves as [i]Humane[/i], after all." In response to Orpheus' question, Monsiur Louis Perrot then said, "Oh, Void-based Lifeforms. Scout-type, perhaps? Either way, it's interesting to see a child interested in the mechanics of Science and Reason." He then looked at Seth. "If you were a lady, your ears and your pelt would make you the most fashionable and beautiful woman in France. I must say, the people who are predjudiced against [i]Faunus[/i] in your world are most unreasonable..." Emperor Michael turned to the Ambassador, "That ought to be enough; either way, the party will then go with you to the ship, where they'd divide into two further groups for ease of coordination. I will leave it up to the smartest members to decide the exact mechanics of the split. The exact point of departure will be in three hours or so; the ship is already loaded with the supplies you will need, and more besides." [@Rai][@The 42nd Gecko][@Rex][@WXer][@Double][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Drifting Pollen][@LordVoldemort]