[@Ink Blood] What does the Hermit believe? If he thinks he has been cursed by the Wisdoms wouldn't he hate them? The tribes of the Arakkai are each ruled by a Chieftain (Or Chieftess) and a council of wise women. The Chief handles the day to day life of the tribe, while the council manages all things spiritual (birth/death rites, marriages, blessings, prayers, and spiritual education in the form of ritualistic storytelling). The two groups work together to manage important decisions like whether or not to go to war or make peace. The wise women are always female because they believe they were given their power (Magic, foresight, etc.) by the Wisdoms in ancient times. According to legend, the first Arakkai wise woman proved her intellect and fortitude by passing a series of tests set forth by the Wisdoms after asking for their help in protecting her tribe. Rather than interfere directly, the Wisdoms granted that woman and a few of her people each following generation a fraction of their power, or so the Arakkai believe. Because of this, the Arakkai people have a deep respect for their wise women and would be unlikely to seek spiritual aid from outside that council. However, the Hermit could be a respected ally, especially if he follows the Pantheon. He would be welcomed in their villages and could be someone they often trade with.