[b]Vivian Everett[/b] Frowning, Vivian crossed her arms over her chest as her gaze swept the room while they discussed exactly how they were going to tackle this problem. Isana was reticent and she couldn't really blame her for that. Not like they had done much in the way of group activities for some time now, and this wasn't exactly the best situation to start trying to mend burnt bridges. Leaving the jokes aside, she added her own two cents to the current argument. "Isana has a point," she noted aloud. "We don't know how they're tracking us or coordinating their attacks. Whoever is responsible might know that the bait is bait, or they might just choose to attack someone else because they better meet whatever criteria they have. Though I don't think they were intending to bring us together, since the one that I fought seemed pretty tailored to be immune to my own abilities." Frowning, she sighed as she rubbed the back of her head in thought for a few moments. "We should go check out the Dollmaster's old haunts, see if anyone's decided to use them recently. Other magical hotspots from the old days would be a good bet too." Maybe they'd be able to find some clues there. She ignored Elise for now. That was a can of worms she wasn't going to get involved in.