Everything was happening so quickly, Bella wasn't sure if her eyes were playing tricks on her or not. There were a lot of things wrong with the little picture in front of her, but probably the biggest was the multiple Serpentines trumping the amount of brainwashed teens in the room. She was so in shock at how crazy the situation was getting, that she didn't even notice the group of food covered teens approaching her until they were right in front of her. Letting out a squeal of surprise, Bella busted through the door, unintentionally pushing on the balls of her feet, which ultimately lead to her bounding forward a lot farther then she thought she was going to. The sudden movement sent the teens in front of her tumbling to the ground like bowling pins. But she didn't stop there, unfortunately, as when she lowered one of her feet to stop herself, the momentum from the previous hop kept her going, causing her to run right into Mr.Johnson, who was scrambling for his whip. The collision slowed the man down, which was good, until he decided to grab the young girl's arm and practically fling her to the other side of the room, Bella's body colliding with one of the table in a nasty thud. It was hard to see if she was okay or not, seeing as she had yet to get up from the whole ordeal.