Rex growled at the appearance of the Digimon. Noru simply put a hand out stopping him. He was a part of a species that craved battle, Rex was programmed to fight and that made his a hassle to deal with. Noru scowled. Was violence and threats the only thing she could pull out? Unfortunately for her to Noru all her threats was pretty much empty and not without good reason. As much as he didn't want people knowing his father, due to the fact that it would get him widely distrusted amoung the hacker community, to the point he actively hid the fact, so well that he doubted that even Manaka could find it. It had it's benefits after all EDEN doesn't want anyone to get hacked and steal their data after the whole hackers finding about the Digimon, so they had an extensive security system, one that while it wasn't something he couldn't control, included Megas. Only getting stronger after both Noru and his father started to modify and improve over time, so he was safe on the defense side. Noru decided to ignore the Megas and keep going and then the snake woman threatened to delete Fumi's account. [color=fff200]"Is that even possible?"[/color] Rex asked and Noru simply replied that it wasn't if they were online. After all there were fail safes, not even Noru himself with extensive knowledge of the EDEN system could overcome them. It was flat out Impossible. But even if it was a joke, it wasn't something you joked about. In one statement she actually lost his respect, that was a new record. Noru's face became a mask, emotionless and after Fumi asked what the group was, the teen stated. [color=ed1c24]"They're a hacker gang from way back that disappeared, so leader lady, why resurface now?"[/color] Noru was mimicking Fumi's nickname as he asked the question on his mind, however, unlike Fumi's innocent tone of voice Noru had a subtle dash of sarcasm and mockery. He didn't even try and introduce himself making pretty clear that the leader got off the wrong foot with him, making pretty clear that they would butt heads further down the line.