[b]Tyden Konrad - Hunter[/b] The winter was coming close. Because of that, weather was kind of chilly. Tyden covered himself with his cape as the wind started blowing in his face. As he was sitting at the gates of the castle, leaned next to a wall someone approaches him(Kaelle). He taps him on the shoulder and then asks him if the king summoned mhim as well. Tyden look at her from top to bottom and then he stared at her face. "Yes he did. I'm guessing you're a hunter as well. He said as he looked at her. She was young and pretty. With green eyes, blonde hair and well toned body. Imidieatly afterwards another woman showed up. She introduced herself as Eva from the land of Demura saying that she presumes Tyden is here for the same reason as he is. Tyden shook her hand. "I'm Tyden from Seisau. And given the fact that we both have the same invitation then I guess you presume correctly." He said as he let go of her hand. Then a guard opens the gates to the castle and asks for our invitations...again. Didn't we showed them at the city gates already? Anyways, he and the other hunters walked trough the gates and entered the castle courtyards. The place looked indeed amazing. It would seem that the inhabitants of the castle were still living the good life. Which was the least he could say about the rest of the city. But anyway, he wasn't here to judge the king of this kingdom. He was here to hunt. Or that's what he thought they were all brought all here for. Then the guard said the magic word. Drinks.