[center][color=orangered][h2]Midnight Tournament, Round 4[/h2][/color][/center] A new cascade of cheering signaled the end of the current round of the tournament. [s]16[/s] 18 fighters reduced to 8. Not many were so brazen to just step in like Masami and Andras were, so the rest of the fighters had advanced the normal way. "Alriiiight people! Round 2 is starting in 2 minutes! Take a drink, get a snack, and bunch up for the next round!" The MC announced. It looked as if there was some breathing room now, although for a couple of the fighters they didn't bother with much of a break. They just stood in the ring waiting for the next opponent. The brackets had pictures pasted of the fighters pasted on, except for Masami and Andras of course. Their next opponent's name was Aegus Reister. [hider=(Looks like this] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/431639661144834069/431640405872738305/image.png[/img][/hider] It didn't seem like he'd taken many hits. None the worse for wear after his first round. [@rawkhawk64][@Bartimaeus][@Letter Bee]