[@Wick][h1][color=teal][center][img]https://atlascultural.com/files/2014/04/Jaime-Lannister-640x480.jpg[/img] Wayne[/center][/color][/h1][hr] Golden ichor pulsed through the veins in the Wesen's eyes, fueling his vision with magical insight. Inhaling deeply, Wayne fluidly spun under the claw of a Luftkobold and brought his lusting blade upwards into the fleshy underpart of its neck, grimacing in pleasure as his weapon met the resistance of bone, colliding against the top of the skull with a sharp crack. Pulling back, he spun around again, flinging his blade into the beast approaching Alexis' unconscious body. The knife sailed towards the goblin's eye with deadly accuracy, but a quick bash of its elbow knocked the blade from the air, eliciting a triumphant roar from the creature. Wayne barely had time to process that as another creature leaped at him, forced him to dive with the creature to avoid being slashed to pieces. Tumbling across the ground, Wayne twisted his leg and wrapped it around the creature's neck, giving it a brief stab to the bicep before flinging his second dagger at Alexis' attacker. The creature's hand was stayed as the knife plunged into its wrist, forcing it to jerk back instead of finishing her off. Turning back to the creature at hand, Wayne grappled with it for a moment before reaching down to his belt, feeling his daggers magically materialize back in his grasp as they transported across the clearing to him. Within seconds, he had gutted the goblin he battled at the cost of a large gash across his chest. Turning back, he barely had time to shout as the goblin brought its heavy arms down on Alexis. An instant before it pulverized her head into a sickly mess, a glowing blue chain snaked out from the woods with lightning speed, wrapping around Alexis' leg and pulled her across the field. The unconscious Grimm literally flew through the air into the arms of a battered man with blood pouring down his face. Wielding a now-glowing chain-scythe, the Grimm growled ferociously and swung Alexis around, tossing her onto the back of a horse sprinting directly past him. Growling in pain, Wayne shouted out a quick Wesen command to Sophie before sprinting forwards, letting his knifes sail through the air at the Goblin Sophie was engaged with. Before they had the chance to make it halfway to their target, Sophie darted forward with lightning agiilty, placing her blade directly into the eye socket of a creature she was unable to perceive. Wayne quickly jerked his hands into a short, curt motion, summoning his blades back to his belt before sprinting after Elias with Sophie in quick pursuit. The four creatures quickly made it through the woods, with Hundar quickly outdistancing the three on foot. Wayne was surprisingly almost unable to outrun Elias. Despite his Wesen blood, Elias was thrusting his legs forward with unparalleled endurance. After almost ten minutes of sprinting, Elias shouted a brief command in a language Wayne didn't recognize. The horse slowly emerged from the woods in the distance, trotting towards the three on foot. Gently reachign up, Elias brought Alexis down from the saddle and laid her form on the ground, looking her over. [color=royalblue]"Alexis? Wake up. Now."[/color]