[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/934550171994435664/980536043923181638/unknown.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=E3485D][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Eoldysseus, Sovereignty of Dryadalis[/right][/sub][/color][hr] Pythia gritted her teeth as the land barge ecame loud and unruly, the smell of fear upon the passengers and even some of the inquisitors further back that she had recognized by the badges they wore on the collar of their cloaks. Only a few moment ago she and a dark-skinned woman had ushered one of the passengers back to her seat and now the land barge was under attack by what seemed like an unending swarm of birds. The red-haired woman wondered the lengths of this magical attack and found her pitying those on the upper decks of the barge. Being trapped dead on the tracks was a lot more acceptable when you were sitting in the lower deck – though the issue of the glass windows shattering and the wood gates that barred them shut breaking open from the sheer force of the flock of birds was a great concern. Pythia Nsiferum had no interest becoming bird food. The blonde woman form earlier had ushered back down to ‘check’ on them and while Pythia appreciated someone was taking [i]charge[/i] she was more concerned that the inquisitors would find it suspicious. But it was a large barge. Pythia figured it was lucky or sheer coincidence that the inquisitors had pushed on the opposite end of the vessel; opposite of the boy who had shot out his mouth about being an enemy of the organization. [color=E3485D][i]How lucky can one man be?[/i][/color] It was a thought that was better left to be answered at a later date, it seemed. Pythia rose from her seat after she gathered her things – not that she had much of an inventory – and prepared to either involve herself or push on away from the barge. She wasn’t sure which was worse in terms of ideas. An anti-magic field spelled doom for rebels, innocents, and inquisitors alike; especially when possessed birds were trying to kill all of them with zero discrimination. Perhaps that was the silver lining. Pythia was just glad that she was an able swordsman and did not typically need to rely on her magic. It was probably one of the reasons the inquisition had never caught up with her. After a few moments of moving through the crowd she found the woman, though she saw that she was talking to another person. His name, Lazulin, was something famillar but she couldn’t quite place it. Though it wasn't his name that struck the red-haired woman's interest; it was his [i]words.[/i] He asked about the anti-magic field and how long it could take for it to ease up. As if that was the greatest concern between everything else. She took the initiative and cut in, speaking clearly and authoriatively, much like how the blonde woman had with the others. It was little surprise they shared that personality trait of sorts. [color=E3485D]“That entirely depends on if the anti-magic field is natural or unnatural.”[/color] She stated with her hand on the hilt of her katana. Pythia moved her head, ducking from a swarming bird. [color=E3485D]“If this is a trap, then the anti-magic field could be indefinite until such magicks are removed from play.”[/color] [/indent] [/indent][/indent]