[center][url=fontmeme.com][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180331/f6eee853310fda208c11be6cfb1d1e99.png[/img][/url] [h2]On the Road to the Prison[/h2] [i][color=#333333]Colour: #ED1111[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] [quote=@Dusty] A commotion drew Huo attention at that moment, accompanied the sound of a nearby bell. A small detachment of city watchmen and An’s soldiers sprinted past, a half dozen or so of them, seemingly in a rush to get wherever they needed to be. The one in the front held a lit lantern, and the firelight shone bright on Huo’s face as they ran by. “Get to your home girl, there’s about to be trouble.” The growled order had a note of seriousness to it, and Huo didn’t doubt for a second that there would be trouble afoot, soon enough. [color=f7941d]“I’ll get right on that sir.”[/color] She muttered, shielding her eyes from the glare. The force moved away, clearly not intent on enforcing a curfew, merely suggesting it. At least, that’s how Huo saw it. The night was still young, and despite her worn feet Huo felt an irresistible curiosity to know what this ‘trouble’ might be. She was about to take off after the soldiers when a lone figure jogged past, seemingly matching her intentions to follow them. He was a young man, well built with a complexion that was hard to make out in the twilight, but Huo could’ve sworn he hailed originally from the Fire Islands, the same as her. Trotting to keep pace she reached up and tapped this stranger on the shoulder, who’s name, unbeknownst to her, was Zhen. [color=f7941d]“Hey there tall guy. You don’t happen to know what’s going down do you? One of ‘em said there was going to be trouble, and he looked serious about it too. Like pentapox epidemic serious.”[/color] Huo tilted her head, angling her ears to get a better read on the mysterious bell’s reverberations. [color=f7941d]“They’re headed straight for that chime too. Reckon it’s an alarm of some kind?”[/color] [/quote] Briefly, Zhen sent a mental thanks to Ren for his help learning to dull his instinctive reaction to whirl on anyone getting close to him in his blindspot, especially if they touched him. Starting a fight with someone in the middle of the city while the guards were on high alert would have been... not the best idea. Especially not a girl a head shorter than him and about as much less broad, given the Earth Kingdom's [i]views[/i] on women. Even if he was pretty sure she was Fire. Slowing a little to let her keep pace, tossing the apple core into a bin as they passed, he considered. [color=#ED1111]"Most likely. I don't know Earth protocol, but - no smoke, and no sound of battle, so it isn't a fire or a large-scale attack, but it's [i]something[/i] big or they wouldn't have rung a city-wide bell at all."[/color] Even on this deserted street, they were passing banners and wall scrolls declaiming the glorious coronation... [color=#ED1111]"Especially since it's An's big day; they wouldn't want to damage their reputation if they could avoid it, which means they really do need all hands tending the flame. That leaves us... probably a prison break. Benders, not just genpop."[/color] He side-eyed her for a moment, watching to see if she'd react to the Fire Nation colloquialism he'd slipped in, or the military terminology. Being out here alone was a fairly significant indicator - Earth Kingdom and women, again - but it was better to confirm his suspicions before actually taking the risk of revealing himself.