Observed: [@tex] Interaction... I hope: [@Jensoman] [center][h1][color=bc8dbf]....[/color][/h1][/center] Contrary to what was assumed, Fauve hadn’t kept running. She had stopped on approach to the Tavern (which she had previously shown interest in) when the Myti pounced down from somewhere above. While Corc turned to greet the cat man, Fauve gave the orc a slap on the butt to let him know she was heading inside. She didn’t have time to shoot the breeze. It was moments after she entered the tavern that Corc defended the Myti against the ensuing group of undead. This, Fauve wasn’t aware of, since she was already on her way upstairs to the second floor where she commenced to frantically searching the nearest room for new clothing. There really wasn’t a lot to choose from. She quickly settled on a sleeveless calico pullover tunic to take the place of her torn shirt, but had no time to find a new pair of shoes or a replacement for her shredded trousers before the sound of more trouble was heard growing outside. Looking down from the window of the room she was in, she saw the pussy running away up the path toward the West gate. Apparently he was feeling a little skittish from the oncoming horde of hostiles, and had decided on leaving the fighting up to Corc. Quite the honorable cat he was. She wasn’t, however, really sure if Corc was about to run in the Myti’s footsteps or not, and she didn’t have time to watch on from above to find out. Feeling oddly indebted to the orc for what they had been through together, Fauve raced down the stairs fast as her legs would take her. She snatched a roasted lamb thigh from a hook in the kitchen then raced back up the stairs and launched herself out the window without first looking to see if Corc was still down there. For one reason or another, she was just kinda taking a [i]leap[/i] of faith that he was still there and ready to catch her. Clutching the lamb cut under one arm, she yelled out the orc’s name as she plummeted fast to whatever awaited below…. [center][h1][color=bc8dbf]....[/color][/h1][/center]