[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/C4njhfP.png[/img] [/center] [sup][@FernStone][/sup] [b][code]Grand Ridge - Outside Tuyen's Dorm.[/code][/b][hr] [i]"How about I back off your cousin?"[/i] Justin parroted again (because his spirit animal is parrot). "You're nobody's keeper, Min. If Tuyen wants to be with me, then that's her choice." He took one step closer to Min, still not breaking eye contact. Min could probably feel the heat that Justin was inadvertently giving off. He didn't notice, because he wasn't backing down from Min no matter what he said. That was what his mother taught him; never give up, never give in - or they'll take everything from you. Though, he only broke eye contact when Min looked at his hands, and asked him what he was playing out. He saw the look on his face as it scrunched up - there was something that got him worried. Well, he should be worried of catching these hands.... "... What the fuck?" Justin asked as he looked at his burning hand. Out of sheer surprise, his hand erupted into a torch of flames. His hands were open, so Min could see that it was clearly no lighter in his hand. "It's like..." [i]When Scott was about to kill Claire...[/i] He finished the sentence in his head. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pzvcW5L.png[/img] [/center] [sup][@FernStone][/sup] [b][code]Grand Ridge Academy - The Parking Lot.[/code][/b][hr] "Well..." Kimberly said, as she went through her photo gallery on her camera. "I've always wanted to see how my favorite photos from photography class would look in art form." She knew that she was asking a lot from Rien... but, she was utterly bored to tears right now, and would do anything for something interesting. She finally found it... it was a picture of a butterfly on an old camera that Kimberly used photoshop to make appear blue. She handed the camera to Rien so she can get a look at it. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1NInDhF.png[/img][/center] [b][code]???[/code][/b][hr] Step, step, step... Karma ran desperately, fast as she could. Clutching her open wound as she left behind a trail of blood. She was feeling very light-headed - but she was pushing on regardless. She didn't know what would kill her - blood loss, or this fucking thing after her. She didn't know how it started, she just went to Arcade Blues, and then this giant thing in a mask showed up, and cut her with a knife. She's been running, adrenaline keeping her alive, to any kind of safety. She turned a corner, and felt a massive hand wrap around her neck. It was so strong that it was crushing her throat - she weakly tried to pound on him to get him to release her, but it was no use. Scott pulled the blade back, then shoved it deep through her chest. Her eyes went down as the fight died in her - Scott threw Karma onto the ground. However, that wasn't all. Scott kicked over her body until she was on her back, and saw a glow through her shirt. He reached down, and ripped off her shirt with one motion and revealed her sigil. Scott grabbed her by the side of her body and an orange light overcame her, and burned away pieces of her flesh - the parts of her that had the insignia on her. He dropped her body, wiped the blood off his blade, and began marching off towards the next target. His master told him to collect these symbols, so that was what he's going to do.