[@KatherinWinter] I had changed my mind on the direction this was going. But I do have a sincere questions regarding this. I'm going to be frank, hopefully it doesn't come across as too blunt. Are you enjoying this roleplay? Like, do you actually want to do this? If you feel like this particular story isn't going how you'd like. We can always start fresh with a different idea, or a new start. I'm not opposed to such. I wouldn't be offended if you'd preferred to try something else. I always wanted this to be an enjoyable experience for the both of us. I didn't ever mean for my word lengths to be overwhelming. I certainly don't mind shorter posts or mistakes. But a lot of what you posted in IC, had multiple spelling errors or typos that seem like the post was rushed. You've stated so many times that you feel like you aren't pleased, whether with how you feel in comparison. Or more recently telling me that you think I wasn't acknowledging your contributions. Because from the very start and now, you questioned in OOC many times about my posts in particular. Without really providing alternatives scenarios. I don't say anything as a personal complaint. I'm just uncertain that you're liking the roleplay. I don't want either of us to do this with no motivations, or if it feels like work opposed to entertainment.