[h1]Kishinami Hakuno[/h1] Why did her Servants' gaze make Hakuno feel so uncomfortable? It made her feel like a predator was watching her, smugly content with its' superiority. It wasn't exactly [u]inaccurate[/u], but still! Though Archer's words were at least considerate. The young Master couldn't tell how sincere the smaller girl was being, but she'd take false concern over insults. That said, she couldn't let herself appear weak before a goddess! Even as the scent of fast food washed over her senses, the inexperienced magus had to show she wasn't some bundle of nerves or something! "...It's fine, Archer. I'm not hungry," Hakuno offered Archer a small, comforting smile. It would have been a very effective expression, had Hakuno not allowed her body to carry her towards the restaurant anyway. The sudden rumble in her belly certainly didn't help much either. Hakuno's face was frozen as she tried to find a way to recover from that slip-up, "...er... not [i]that[/i] hungry?"