Seeing Professor Spire handle the situation relaxed Caius. He dropped his arms as his energy dimmed back to its baseline level. [color=00aeef]"Thank goodness."[/color] He sighed. He knew that practice was important, but unfortunately, he was afraid he was going to get more from his students than the teachers. This is the reason his family didn't trust most of the other mages and why they stayed out of the petty politics of the other families. Too many seemed absorbed by their personal issues and not enough seemed concerned about the others around them. But, there was hope. From their brief interactions, he liked Toby. Honestly, he saw himself a lot in him. Awkward for sure, but he seemed to genuinely want to help. Caius could relate. He grabbed some of the napkins and helped clean off the table. He turned to Toby and offered his hand. [color=00aeef]"I... I know we may have had a rough introduction, but my name is Caius Velius. I'm a defense major."[/color] He turned to Jackie as well. [color=00aeef]"I... I do believe in the midst of the ruckus, I missed your name as well, miss."[/color] Luckily, the adrenaline of the moment was still coursing through him, allowing him to push out the introduction a little less awkwardly.