On Heahea Beach, Mike and his Lucario Fyi were relaxing in the sun. Mike had kept his hat but his outfit had changed to match the warmer weather of Aloha. Mike was now wearing a blue button top with most of the buttons undo to show off his tanned muscular frame, he wore gray 3/4 shorts and a pair of blue trainers. His z-ring had a odd design as Well, it was designed in the shape of a dark Dragon hear with his z crystal and mega stone making the dragons eyes. He knew the Mantine that the group would be coming on would be there soon but Sashia told him that one of the new member seemed to have an affinity for Aura like him so Mike was Curious if they would find him. Ryu perked up slightly though as he sensed the aura, though Mike calmed him so to not give away their position.