Jericho was following Seth through the streets, he needed to find the person who paid the guy to get this old newspaper photo. He looked around he knew something was wrong, that's when he heard a gun go off a wall of rock went up behind him. "Jericho run don't worry about me go I will whistle for you once it's safe!" Jericho ran off, while Seth ran in the other direction. He ran through the streets a few more gun shots went off, he rolled into cover breathing hard. Once he catches his breath Seth ran again, the same gun going off. [i]F1 behind me, can't get a clear shot while I'm running.[/i] He ran down an alley way, just to find a dead end he used his bending to launch himself up onto the top of the building. His leg was shot, he let out a scream of pain but he kept moving. He kept running, knowing the guy with the gun was behind him. He went down a fire escape and finally lost him, Seth was limping through the streets. He let out a whistle, Jericho came to his side a few minutes later, Seth soon passed out from the blood loss. Jericho let out a howl for help, hoping someone would come to help his master.