[h2]Isabelle d'Antibes[/h2] Overall strategy, then. She continued sitting in silence whilst starting to lick away at the icecream; it seemed that either her appetite was satiated or Isabelle had a sweet tooth that demanded the chocolate confection be shown the appropriate respect. More likely the latter...[i]If we're here for long, then I need to come and get some more of this. Or find somewhere else that sells it...[/i] "The strategy is quite simple: identify the Masters and offer them a chance to surrender. When they refuse, you engage the enemy Servant, leaving the Master open for me to engage. Then I kill them. As Saber, I expect you to be able to prevent disengagement for long enough that the Masters are unguarded." [hr] [h2]Evelyn and Elisabeth[/h2] [sub][i]Italics[/i] are standing in for translated conversation.[/sub] The Master was sticking close to her friend as they made their way back from the church, glad that this useless formality was over with. Sanctuary if she failed...? If she failed, Evelyn doubted that there would be enough left to seek sanctuary. Not if her own Servant was any indication; this war was probably full of monsters rather than the heroes that Elisabeth had said were supposed to be there. The threat of impending violence, though, wasn't getting to her as much as the feeling that the Overseer had been examining her critically... something Berserker really didn't help with. [i]"Lisa, was she staring at me?"[/i] A shrug. [i]"A bit more than normal, even for you. You think she guessed something?"[/i] [i]"Maybe. People involved in this must be more likely to know what eyes can do..."[/i] It was rude to talk for too long, excluding her Servant, but it was a necessary evil--the teenaged girl wasn't one that she wanted to place her full trust in, not when she qualified for [i]that[/i] class. And Elisabeth's English was terrible. She ought to be understanding about that much.