After Theren tells Anchor of the two goblins in the field, he silently curses at himself for shouting a moment ago. Luckily, it seems neither of the goblins heard him or any of the other commotion his group had been causing. "I will try to subdue one of them. Maybe this one will stick around long enough to let us know what is going on." Anchor moves through the gate to the pumpkin field and reaches out to grab the first goblin he can get to. [hider=Actions] Anchor enters the pumpkin patch and attempts to grapple the first goblin he can get to. For the attack roll: [url=]11 to connect[/url] Also rolled for advantage since they're unaware: [url=]19 to connect[/url] I'll be using strength for this, so if a strength check is needed for the grapple: [url=]18 strength check[/url] If at all possible, I'd like to try to keep the pumpkin on their head for now. [/hider] [@GRMBRN], you're up!