[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180319/e73e196b396445c1e9e4e0f1441e26cc.png[/img] [h3]Lower Ring, Ba Sing Se. Northeast[/h3] [@Rokoran] [/center] [hr] Satisfaction dominated Huo’s face, even as her eyebrows rose in astonishment at this plethora of new information. Most of the more important aspects regarding this revelation were subtler than the man’s speculations about the source of the hubbub, but conclusive nonetheless. Apparently she’d guessed right about his origins, at least in theory. Still, Huo was now convinced that he was from the Fire Islands like herself, and upon reaching this conclusion she resolved to keep her surname undisclosed. Chances were he knew nothing of the Ling family line, but one could never be too cautious when it came to sensitive information and generation long blood feuds. Rushing alongside this presumed Fire Islander Huo’s mind turned to the literal sense of his words. It was a surprisingly straightforward conclusion, and it made Huo wonder if he knew more than he was revealing. One could imagine many different scenarios beyond just a bender prison escape. And yet, he’d followed something of a logical path to arrive there. But why would anybody in their right mind run towards something they suspected was a breakout of potentially dangerous criminals? If at all possible Huo’s face contorted in even more surprise and she nearly stumbled mid-step. [color=f7941d]“You’re helping break someone out! Who in their right mind would try a prison break in daylight, in the middle of Ba Sing Se? You’ve got nowhere to run, you’re surrounded by walls. You’ll be helping your friends escape only to surely get recaptured. And worst of all AN controls the city, and it’s not like he takes kindly to those of us from Fire.”[/color] She hadn’t meant to let that last bit slip out and she put a hand over her mouth wanting to take every word back. She’d only guessed he was from fire; well the whole conclusion was a wild conjecture all exclaimed aloud without thought or consideration. She’d just announced to him and anybody listening that she knew his presumed intentions, and that she herself hailed from the Fire Islands. It didn’t help that she was a raging hypocrite too, but Huo wasn’t one for serious self-reflection in any regard. To her finding an air bender to fly her over the walls in order for her to assassinate An on his coronation made perfect sense. Whereas risking your freedom to rescue an imprisoned bender in an An controlled city was insanity. [color=f7941d]“Sorry,” [/color]she whispered, keeping her voice low as if to make up for the earlier proclamation. At least they were running along a seemingly deserted avenue. [color=f7941d]“I shouldn’t have said that, but I promise my lips are sealed. I'm no friend of An or the Earth Kingdom.” [/color]