“Digidollars?” G looked over at Liollmon. “I forgot the cities use that. Basically you do something for someone they give you Digidollars for your work, then you use that to get stuff.” G rolled her eyes. “Stupid.” G walked out. Liollmon “Cities are full of imbeciles. We need to hurry up and get back to the sensible villages.” G headed directly over to the Mayor’s office. Inside the office they were greeted by an Agumon. “Do you have an appointment?” G started to say something but Liollmon interrupted. “We’re not here to see the mayor. We were looking for the files the city is know for having my friend here is looking for information on her mother and I am looking for information on some bandits who destroyed my village.” The Agumon still hadn’t even looked up from whatever was so interesting on the desk. “You might want to check with the Hall of Records, you’ll need an appointment with the new Keeper of Records. After we hire a new one of course.” The Agumon fiddles with something. “The hiring process for a new Keeper of Records won’t begin for another seventeen months at least.” G was seriously pissed. She stormed out of the building slamming the door shut behind her so hard it shattered the glass in the door. “Thanks for the lack of service glad to see the citizens Digidollars hard at work.” Liollmon exited the building careful to avoid the glass. “Don’t worry G. I have a plan. Clearly don’t really care about the Hall of Records. Once it is dark we’ll sneak in and get the files we need. Screw the bureaucracy. Just need to find some odd jobs to do around the city so we can get some food before tonight.”