So since someone beat me to Puttimon, I changed the fresh form, but here's finally my cs. Sorry it took so long. [hider=My Hider] Digidestined Name: Violet North Age(when entering the digital world): 13 Digimon Partner: Starlight (Calumon - Salamon X - Gatomon X - Weregarurumon X - Z'd Garurumon/Cres Garurumon) Digidestined Appearance: Digidestined Biography: Born to a father who worked for a large electronics company and a college-professor mother, Violet had never wanted for anything. Being home-schooled by her high-expectation mother, she spent her days sleeping and finding entertainment in cartoons and anime while her nights were spent cramming an entire public school education in semester sized chunks at a time. Having a nearly perfect memory made the process quick and relatively painless, leading her to develop a detached personality, as if life were just something to do for the sake of doing. Starlight, her nickname for her digimon partner, was the one to break her shell and eventually convince her that life was worth committing to. Additional Info(Optional): - Notable Talents/Skills: - General knowledge - Eidetic memory - Coding in several languages - Multilingual [/hider]