" Psycker, can you cave the tunnel somewhere in front of us?! We will be dead if the swarm continues anymore than it is right now!" "[color=a187be]I can't do anything from within this tin-can![/color]" Adrianne called back in the noisy chaos from within the chimera. "[color=a187be] ... I can probably burst a few hearts or so without needing sight, but in order to cave the tunnel I'd need to be outside. The problem with that however is that there is a literal tide of mutants, cyborgs and mutant cyborgs outside waiting to swamp me![/color]" Although the insides of the chimera would have been a complete and utter horror for anyone with the slightest degree of claustrophobia, given the intense noise, screaming and hammering from the outside all around them; Adrianne could at least appreciate the (temporary) protection from certain doom offered by the chimera's armor. "[color=a187be]If worst comes to worst, I have my powers of teleportation; but I have no guarantee that I'll be able to get everyone out, nor with all their pieces in the right places![/color]"