[hider=Lionel Reyes] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5FeQgBK.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/XP93HoT.jpg?3[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/B8VlV9l.png[/img] [img]https://cloud.netlifyusercontent.com/assets/344dbf88-fdf9-42bb-adb4-46f01eedd629/6c3ead2d-a453-4c41-ac54-2823b27dd966/hr-ross-cooper-2.png[/img][/center][indent][color=#DAA520]Name:[/color] Lionel Reyes [color=#DAA520]Nicknames:[/color] Leo, Rey [color=#DAA520]Age:[/color] 22 [color=#DAA520]Gender:[/color] Male [color=#DAA520]Sexuality:[/color] Homosexual [color=#DAA520]Appearance:[/color] Standing at 5’8” and weighing in at around 180lbs, Lionel takes some pride on his built shape thanks to the countless hours he’s spent working out. [color=#DAA520]Career:[/color] Having graduated college with a degree in Digital Art and a minor in Graphic Design, Lionel is maintaining his youtube channel where he does a variety of things while attempting to kickstart his voice acting career.[/indent] [center][img]https://cloud.netlifyusercontent.com/assets/344dbf88-fdf9-42bb-adb4-46f01eedd629/6c3ead2d-a453-4c41-ac54-2823b27dd966/hr-ross-cooper-2.png[/img][/center][indent][color=#DAA520]Hobbies:[/color] * Playing Video Games * Cosplaying * Making Covers for Songs / Singing * Editing Videos * Drawing / Creating Art [color=#DAA520]Likes:[/color] + Staying in shape. + Doing commissions for other content creators. + Creating Youtube content. + New experiences. + Strawberry Sunrises. + Bad Jokes. [color=#DAA520]Dislikes:[/color] - Having tight deadlines. - Assholes who can’t shut up. - Drama. - Being embarrassed. - Possessive People. - People who try to control his life.[/indent] [center][img]https://cloud.netlifyusercontent.com/assets/344dbf88-fdf9-42bb-adb4-46f01eedd629/6c3ead2d-a453-4c41-ac54-2823b27dd966/hr-ross-cooper-2.png[/img][/center][indent][color=#DAA520]Personality:[/color] Lionel could easily be summarized as a nerdy individual who is always striving to better himself. He does his best to be extroverted even if it goes against his initial instincts, and so you’ll rarely see him without some sort of smirk or smile. That’s not to say he thinks everything is sunshine and rainbows though, he has a very realist view of the world and isn’t afraid to be blunt even if it may seem harsh. At first, he’ll probably seem harmless enough, a rather calm and lax individual who likes to make other people happy. But when you get to know him, he’ll definitely bombard you with sass if he feels he can get away with it. Of course, he doesn’t mean to be rude, but it’s often said that he comes off that way when he gets comfortable with you. Though if you’re his friend, you can bet he’ll willingly go through hell to help you if he has to. Just be prepared for poorly timed jokes… [color=#DAA520]Bio:[/color] “Haha… what’s there to know really? I wouldn’t say my life is special or nothing, but I guess I can say a little about myself if you want. Let’s see, I guess I should start with where I was born, yeah? I don’t normally like talking about my family, but I guess I only got to do it once. I was born to a first-generation Filipino immigrant mother and a white guy from Washington, and together they had next to nothing. See, my father was fresh into the military, and so it wasn’t like he made much to feed a family, and my mom didn’t even have anything to begin with anyway. Suffice to say, they were in no position to have a kid at 19, but that was their decision and another kid later, there I am. Let’s just say that growing up in a family where your dad is hardly around and whenever he is around he reeks of alcohol and smoke, and your mom is constantly out partying because her husband is never around isn’t exactly ideal. Luckily I had an older brother to watch my back, but even together it was harsh. I can one time I woke up to hearing them yelling at each other down the hall, it was terrifying as a little kid when you don’t understand why. Not to mention whenever I'd feel comfortable in an area, my dad would get deployed somewhere else and I'd have to go through the process of getting accustomed to a new environment, new people. But as time goes on, you sorta get used to that kinda thing, and that’s just sad you know? You learn to keep to yourself, and that more often than not, the safest place becomes alone to avoid all that. Even with my brother’s support, coming back from school was like going through a stealth section in a video game, making sure you weren’t spotted or else they’d point out some sort of flaw in you that was really in themselves. I began to take comfort in video games and drawing, they helped me relax and escape the world for a bit. Couldn’t find comfort in friends, we moved way to much to really settle into a group after all. When high school came around, I started working out more frequently than I never considered in the past. Maybe it was the lack of self-confidence that drove me to get stronger, or maybe it was to prove to my dad that I could get stronger than him, who knows really. Things like drama and the video productions classes at school really helped me break from that shell I liked to hide in too, though I made sure to stay inside it whenever people asked for the right answer. I never really shot high in school for my own sake, but more to keep my parents off my ass. Luckily I didn’t really need to try hard to get an A, even with some AP classes. Time I didn’t need to spend on studying was spent instead on my hobbies, and I even started a youtube channel around this time. But when college hit, man was I glad I got a scholarship to my University. My brother by now was gone, left as soon as he could because he couldn’t handle them anymore, and I don’t blame him, I left too. My parents were pissed to see me go though, but I didn’t care what they had to think. They’ve robbed me of countless experiences, and I wasn’t gonna let them hold me back anymore. I did my best to catch up on lost time, but there's only so much you can do in 4 years. So when I graduated, thankfully my youtube channel had enough subscribers and views to keep me afloat. I think it helps when you have diversity in what’s on your channel. Anyway, I moved as soon as I could, and I ain’t looking back either. It’s my time to be me and really like life for once.” [color=#DAA520]Aspiration:[/color] He wants to voice act in animated movies or TV shows, along with video games. Getting Youtube famous could be cool too. [color=#DAA520]Theme song:[/color] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeCaMzap-y8] [sub] I was there, but I was always leaving I was living, but I was never breathing The more I stray, the less I fear And the more I reach, the more I fade away[/sub][/url][/indent] [color=#DAA520]Face claim:[/color] Brandon Perea [color=#DAA520]Dialogue colour:[/color] Goldenrod (#DAA520)[/indent][/hider]