Luella awoke to the beginning of dusk with a groan, her head was throbbing and her joints ached. They have for quite some time actually, unceasingly. Every morning she awoke to sore muscles as if the day before had been an extreme workout, luckily that faded by noon, but her head? That never stopped throbbing. It made sleeping hard and thinking harder. She tried appealing to the master of the household that she needed rest, that she was ill, but after the fifth day he took her for a liar, so got a nice beating out of that. From that lovely occasion she had no choice but to try to set the pain aside and continue to work. She gulped, peeling herself from the bed and attempting to groan as little as possible as she did so. She slowly got changed into her simple, bland attire before leaving the room for whatever was left for breakfast before Christopher arose. Luella was cut short, however, at the call of a raven out of one of the windows she passed. Not a common bird around the manor at this time. She turns to the window to see the bird sitting there with some paper in its sharp talons. The woman quickly looked around her to ensure she was alone before walking to the window. Upon her further inspection she saw the paper was not just a piece of paper but an envelope... with her name on it. She looked around to ensure she was alone once more before quickly making her way to the nearby door and out into the cool morning breeze, the raven somehow already sitting at the door. She slowly (and painfully) lowered herself to her knees before reaching for the envelope in the same weary matter. The raven, however, allowed her to take it freely before flying off. She watched it oddly before turning to the letter. She hadn't a clue who would have sent it. Her busy duties meant he had little free time and very few friends, none of which would bother to send a letter. "Luella!" came a sharp call from the door, "Why are you out here child? I am sure your duties thus far all lie inside!" Luella winced at the sharp call. Eryla was the household's strict head maid, she'd go straight to the master at any wrongdoing, even if it were small. [color=00aeef]" inspecting how warm it is. Master Christopher likes to know if the day is warm,"[/color] Eryla grunted, no entirely convinced. "Then why, pray tell, are you on the ground?" she snaps. [color=00aeef]"I tripped,"[/color] Luella quickly replied, not entirely unbelievable, Luella was known for not being the most coordinated on the manor by far. Eryla sighed. "I am watching you, child, if you mess up I am not afraid to inform the master," and with that she disappears inside. Luella slips the envelope into the bust of her dress. Comfortable? No, but none of her was right now anyway. With a groan she stood, her vision going a little disorientated with the throbbing of her head. she stumbled for moment before escaping inside and back to her quarters. Who needed a small breakfast when she had letter sent in a peculiar fashion? She sat on he bed and puled out the crisp envelope, a decent one too, one like the nobles in the household received not one from a peasant's wages. She spun it in her hand before opening it and reading the letter inside. She was, honestly, confused. Who was this sender? How did they know this of her, heck, how did they know her. But she was compelled to go, as if some invisible force was encouraging her. Eredel though? Eredel as so far away. She'd have to leave by the end of the week to ensure she was there on time. [center]~o0o~[/center] Darkness had fallen upon the land hours ago, all the oil lamps had been turned off and the manor's noblemen and staff (par some wandering guards) all slept, all except for Luella. Her head throbbing made sleep difficult, she felt dizzy and slightly nauseous, but that may have been accentuated have been the fear of what would happen to her if she came back after tonight... or if she were caught. Luckily the guard manning the front door would easily not see her... for the right price. An offer he would deny anyone but her. She ensure her mother was asleep, stumbling over to her bed. She whispered [color=00aeef]I am so sorry, mother, but this is something I need to do. I love you,"[/color] before planting a soft kiss on her cheek. She stood. Her throbbing head made it hard to focus on the world around her, on her actions and made her feel as if she was about to throw up. She gave a deep (yet uneffective) breath, slipped all the coin she had into a pouch, donned her black coat and hood and slipped out f the mansion and into the night, giving the guard a soft [color=00aeef]"Thank you,"[/color] on her way out. From there Luella was able to convince some noblewoman to let her aboard their carriage to the docks as a temporary handmaiden, not there was much one would do as a 'hand-maiden' on a carriage but purchase supplies and much at different stops but she believed the women took pity on he more than anything. Luella wasn't hard to pity, she supposed, between her skin colour, the healing wounds still in the process of fading from her last beating, her slim figure from being underfed and her constant state of pain. She could use that with more compassionate people although the majority of that list seldom bothered her. After a long travel with the women she was able to bribe a merchant going from Vespora to Eredel to let her aboard. It was a nice change to not have to serve anyone or once, even if the rocking boat made her head ache more and force her to feel more nauseous. [h3]May 15th[/h3] After a journey from the docks to the tavern on foot Luella had arrived a day early and stayed in a shady inn. Probably not the best accommodation but Luella didn't have much coin so it would have to do. When the next day approach, however, she opted to stay in bed. Her body ached more than usual from all the walking on the previous day which made her head throb more which put the young woman in quite a lot of pain. Luckily, the coming of the afternoon lead to it being subdued. She forced herself out of the bed and donned her black cloak once more before making her way into the tavern. At her entrance she pulled down her hood, knowing to failed to belong against the tough men that occupied the place. She slipped into a seat in a booth near the door. In the middle a large group of pirates cheered and drunk wine at an incredible speed. Their yelling seemed to have little effect on Luella's head's constant throbbing which was good. Who was she meant to meet? It wasn't like she'd notice them, would they even know her?