Liam heard a commotion and hurried over. It was a mother, Liam estimated in her mid thirties at most telling her daughter Suzie to stop playing with that sand and get over to her. Suzie just ignored the woman nd continued to pile up a bigger and bigger pile. he had a dazed look on her face as she used the shovel to pile more sand. Liam noticed something extremely preculier about the situation. The sand was the normal color of sand when it was scooped up, but as it dropped from the yellow scoop and into the pile, the sand turned black. "You guys may want to get away from here, something's wrong." Liam warned. "And [i]who[/i] are you to issue such demands young man!" The woman yelled. "Tammy, that is the Hoenn Region Champion, Liam Coleman. He's also known as a 'Dragon Master'." Another citizen on the beach stated. Tammy once again tried to get Suzie to come with her, but Liam told her to stay away. Whatever is doing this, the little girl is a part of now, and ripping her away [i]could[/i] be deteramential. He called out for Shiranui to come investigate. This seemed like there could be a psychic or ghost type involved, and since Liam was not entirely familair with the Pokémon of Alola, he wanted another opinion.