It didn't take before Danny figured out that the crowd was there because there were multiple Digidestined in the café. In other circumstances he would have been happy to hang out with them for a while, but if he did so now his secret might get out and ruin his simple peaceful life. He was about to tell Arkrimon to act calm and pretend they had no idea what was going on when his partner finally figured out what was going on. Oblivious to Danny's concerns the rookie changed direction and slowly made his way inside more or less dragging his partner along with him. [color=00aeef]"Hey guys long no time seen."[/color] While he wasn't technically yelling Arkrimon was still loud enough that at least one of the other Digidestined should be able to hear him easily.Pretty sure the jig was up Danny sat down at the nearest free table and wondered how people would react to him now.