Although Mike had been relaxing he too soon sensed something amiss which he cursed since had he not been relaxing he would of felt it sooner, as he tapped Ryu on the shoulder and whistle to call his Dusk back. Who quickly answered her master call. Mike soon appeared next to Liam as Dusk growled softly at the little girl or more directly the spade as Mike said "Hmmm, We're ether dealing with a Sandygast or Palossand. Since it a little girl, I would say Sandygast is the culprit which is a Ghost/Ground type but don't be fooled into thinking water attack are the way to go. Because of its ability, Water Compactor that will increase its defensive stats by plus 2 so Grass type moves are best". Mike whistle again as Dusk backed off and soon Mike's Hood (Decidueye) landed next to Him and got its bow ready. Mike knew he would have to make the Sandygast revile it's true form so he told the Hood to hit the water with an arrow and the water would hit the sand castle reviling Sandygast true form without hurting the young girl.