[@Jensoman]and[@Valkon][@Dartbored Fairy][@tex] [center][h1][color=bc8dbf]….[/color][/h1][/center] Fauve liked that. Being caught in the orc’s hands and let down to the ground in such a gentle manner confirmed her trust in him, but more than that, it established that Corc had a variety of honor rarely found in the world lately. He was in her good books now, and that was also a rare thing. “This is yours!” She confirmed, and slapped the leg of lamb against Corc’s rock hard abs. Assuming he then took the food off her hands, she commenced to following at his side in direction of the west gate, fighting off the random, tailing undead assailants along the way. In the near distance ahead, she could see the Myti and another couple from the tavern the night before. Ain’t it just a small world and all that. She really wished she had of found the time to salvage replacement trousers and shoes, but shoes were more the issue. It’s not like running around barefoot was going to cause any major problems, and sure she usually presented herself as a feral bitch anyway, but shoes were much more comfortable to be traipsing around outdoors with. While she ran alongside her new friend, she kept an eye out for any dead bodies that might have been wearing her size footwear. As for her butt cheek hanging out and the shredded condition of her pant legs, well, she doubted anyone really gave a damn anyway. Besides, Corc would have no doubt had a good feel of said butt cheek when she landed in his hand. In addition to the meal she provided him, maybe it provided him another reason to be happy. Nothing wrong with a little discrete joy on the side. Pretty soon, the unlikely couple were drawing within comfortable calling distance of Lui over Aelih’s shoulder and Dannisus running on ahead: “Have any of you three seen the guy with the kick-ass gauntlets and the other human I was talking with earlier in the Tavern? They have a certain map that, under the current circumstances, I feel inclined to take a second look at.” [center][h1][color=bc8dbf]….[/color][/h1][/center]