[h1]Kishinami Hakuno[/h1] Hakuno figured she might as well relent and accept the generosity of the goddess - at least, Hakuno was viewing her suggestion as such. Some may find her choice of words to be infinitely arrogant, but Hakuno could hardly disagree with Archer. A Servant may as well be perfect compared to a pathetic weakling like herself. Heck, even if she were one of the most prestigious mages in the universe, her skills would be laughable compared to a goddess. She gave Archer a quizzical look at her comment. What was she referring to, with her intuition? It took a moment for the master to conclude that potential enemies were here. Immediately, the young lady tensed, worriedly glancing around the restaurant. Was someone looking at them? Could she sense any magic? Who looked suspicious?! The mountain of food caught her eye, and she marvelled at the duo who seemed to be tackling the pile alone. Two girls, one of them apparently a child nun, were eating away like it was a normal lunch. Hakuno couldn't help but be dumbfounded at the sight. Still, she had to be on the lookout for enemy mas- Hakuno suddenly choked at her Servant's words, face instantly glowing red as she rounded on Archer, "D-Date?!" Was she being serious?! Hakuno never could tell. But... wait, her Servant was known for messing with men, right?! There was no way that was a serious remark! Yet the normally stoic and plain-faced girl was reduced to flustered state, trying to maintain composure. --------------- [h1]Lancer[/h1] His presence hidden, Lancer watched closely for their approaching enemies. He could identify three figures drawing closer. Surveying the three girls, the hidden Servant noted what his eye could perceive. The taller two girls - one of them had to be a Master. He couldn't tell which one, but the chances of either posing a remote threat tohim were virtually nil, anyway. therefore, he wasn't too worried about their capabilities. His main concern, of course, was the smallest of the three. Even from here, he could feel it; the intense desire for battle. Was she a warrior, or a beast? Regardless, it flared a faint hint of excitement in the bearded general. He made sure to temper those feelings - he wasn't there to sate a lust for combat, he was there to eliminate his master's enemy. Even if that enemy bore the face of a little girl or a demon, his blade should not falter. "Preparing to attack, Master," Guan informed Estelle, and readied to pounce. Let them move a little closer, and strike at the apparent-Servant faster than she could react. That was the idea, at least... [@KoL] [@Raineh Daze] [@VitaVitaAR] [@Crusader Lord]