A dance of chaos was all that Ren could see. As a golem from the hearth of the woods joined in on their cause, Ren discovered a bubbling emotion welling up from within his spine. A hot scalding touch which strangely enough sent cold tingles shooting through each nerve and fiber in his body. It was a feeling which became increasingly familiar as the musician tasted iron on his tongue: one was of fear, and the other was of fury. The sight of the increasingly battered golem on their side as well as Devlin's sorrowful visage pushed Ren over the edge of passivity. Ren breathed out a silent prayer once more as his body pushed itself past the limit of sanity. Cells flooded through every crevice of his system, righteous anger guiding his blows as he picked up a steel bar from one of the shattered remnants of what was once a house. Every principle, every moral in his mind screamed at him to stop-- that these monsters were once humans who Ren could have met in his travels. Every piece of rotten flesh, every fragment of decayed bone used to be a part of a unique human life. His gaze hardened on the archer beside him as he asked Ren a question about these fiends. It was common knowledge in Ren's travels that no true power could bring back the dead. They were just puppets, being pulled on by strings as the puppetmaster watches from the sides. He lifted his hands at the archer, inverting his index and middle finger before making a scissoring motion over it with his other hand. They were nothing but dolls sent to slaughter them. However, at this moment, they needed to work together to bring back Devlin and that damned golem. He began to sign to the archer as he motioned for him to continue covering Devlin and the golem before Ren looked at the incoming wave of undead rushing at the three of them. Ren's hold on the steel tightened. These were just empty, desecrated husks of the once beautiful soul that rested within. They were empty, hollow. And, they were making his comrades bleed. His mouth tore open in a silent shout before he swung his weapon with a clumsy might, echoing a sickening crack as the steel collided with the cadaver's skull. The dead flew a few good meters with half of its head torn apart from the intensity of the blow. Meanwhile, adrenaline pumped within Ren, his eyes taking in the sight of the coagulated blood dripping from the steel bar. A rush of anxiety pierced at him, threating Ren to drop his weapon and run for dear life. He was afraid; truly, he was scared of the pain when he saw his fraternal monks getting torn to pieces by the wrath of the undying. He just wanted to... rest; he craved nothing more than to just sleep this nightmare away. But, one fading glance at the selfless golem who stood in front of a barrage of arrows as well as his injured friend facing down Hell's legion, Ren knew that sleep was only for the dead. And, he had no intention of kidding himself, there was still a lot of life left in him. With his resolve set in stone, Ren engaged any and all ghouls who stood in their way towards the safety point. Though every swing was foolish, every thrust was careless, the lad believed that as long as the hands that held it were true, it would always bring them towards whatever god forsaken goal there was. As series of ghouls clawed at him, Ren shoved against them even as a rusted sword from an undead soldier dashed through his stomach. Blood spurted from his mouth, causing Ren's knees to buckle before he raised the steel ever higher. With a defiant voiceless roar, the musician brought down his weapon with the strength of a crescendo. The steel bar rived the soldier's head into pieces as it twitched one last time before expiring. Ren grasped at the sabre embedded into his body, pulling it out forcibly as he now armed himself with it as more of the undead wave advanced on them. Ren gripped the hilt before diving into the breach once more until the path leading to the western gate was momentarily cleared. Ren trudged onward as he approached the cleared path of the dead that Devlin slaughtered, the claw marks and piercings inflicted upon him quickly stitching back into healthy flesh as his body regenerated him at a cellular level. He looked at Devlin once more, the mere sight of her steeling his resolve once more as he gnashed his teeth through the pain. The best they could do was try to hold on tight as they made their retreat, but the golem who refused to budge might spell a disaster for them. With Devlin being too attached to this creature, it might prove troublesome to pry her off of it. But, Ren decided, that if this golem remained in its frozen state, he would rush to at least get Devlin to safety. Her electricity shield be damned, he'd risk a singe or two just to make sure she was safe. With the warrior and the archer a few meters ahead of them, Ren continued to gaze at Devlin and the golem, ready to charge should Devlin need his aid, or ready to flee once that blasted golem got the proper sense to know when to choose a battle.